As the state representative for House District 10, it’s a privilege to engage with my constituents, particularly when they challenge my work. Born in a country ravaged by poverty and dysfunction, and with firsthand experience of human rights issues in Africa, I’ve seen the devastating impact of conflict and the oppressive power of the nation-state. These experiences have shaped my deep commitment to accountability in government and to the responsibility that comes with public service.
I appreciate Evan Ravitz’s challenge in a recent guest opinion regarding my role as the Chair of the Aerospace and Defense Caucus.
I understand his concerns — war brings suffering, especially for vulnerable populations like women and children. Powerful leaders often use military forces as tools for personal or geopolitical gain, causing unnecessary destruction and loss of life. No war is just, and all wars are inherently destructive. Therefore, it’s crucial to stay vigilant, ask difficult questions, and ensure military power is used with caution and accountability.
At the same time, as the world’s leading superpower, the United States has a unique responsibility to maintain a strong defense. Our democracy and freedoms are not free. America’s ability to defend itself and protect its allies is a key reason we can walk upright in the world without fear. While I share Evan’s concerns about the consequences of unchecked military power, I also recognize that our security cannot be taken for granted.
Our military serves as a safeguard — not just for our own safety, but for global stability. Peace is not a passive concept; it must be actively protected and asserted.
I do not take lightly my role as Chair of this caucus. The military, while essential for our security, can also be a tool of oppression. Yet, it has also driven societal advancements. The microwave, GPS technology and many medical innovations have been developed, in part, through defense-related research. Even more recently, the defense industry has played a key role in pushing for breakthroughs in green energy and sustainability.
In balancing these realities, I chair the Aerospace and Defense Caucus with a clear-eyed understanding that while the military can be oppressive, it also plays a critical role in securing the peace that allows our society to thrive. My position is not to celebrate war but to recognize that the stability and prosperity we enjoy are in part due to the defense infrastructure that ensures our sovereignty.
That said, I remain committed to my progressive values. I advocate for affordable housing, environmental protection and the dismantling of structural barriers that keep people in poverty. I also believe that we must hold the military accountable for its actions and ensure that defense spending aligns with broader societal goals. As a progressive, I strive to ensure that the defense industry serves not only to secure our country but also to foster positive change in areas like public health, innovation and sustainability.
While I don’t have all the answers, I am committed to working within these systems to reduce harm, promote peace and find ways to make our defense infrastructure work for the common good. The path forward requires balance — a balance between security and progress, between pragmatism and idealism.
I respect Evan’s concerns and welcome continued dialogue. Ultimately, it is our duty to ensure that our defense efforts serve to protect, not oppress, and that our progress serves justice and equality for all.
Representative Junie Joseph is the House Majority Caucus Chair and Aerospace and Defense Caucus Co-Chair.