What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
Our Republican state legislators continue to vote down efforts to implement expanded mail-in voting. They use the tired old excuse of fraud in support of their resistance. This past election proved that fraud was all but nonexistent. If they don’t know how to develop appropriate mail-in voting protocols, they can call Colorado, Oregon, Utah or Arizona election officials and ask them to share their plans. Arizona has had expanded mail-in voting for decades. They love it. It is safe. No fraud. Again, we must determine how long are we going to allow our legislators to ignore our wishes. Do you support expansion or suppression?
Voter suppression is the ultimate crime against an American voter, but it’s Republicans’ path to power. The right to vote is sacred. Legislators, introduce new laws against voter suppression, with much stiffer penalties. Then watch who opposes those laws. It will be Republicans. Despicable.
In overriding Gov. Holcomb’s veto of the bill prohibiting local rental regulations, the Republican legislators of Indiana prove that they are more loyal to special interest lobbyists than they are to their own Republican governor.
I hope with the big influx of new residents we can stop the stranglehold Republicans have on Indiana. I don’t understand why so many Hoosiers think the GOP will make their lives better. Our state is at the bottom of so many categories because of their attitudes and policies.
Newsmax had a recent guest who said President Biden’s dog was “dirty and unlike a presidential dog.” Really, is this what Republicans complain about now? Back to the petty tan suits and sleeveless dresses junk?
Trump is going to come out of hiding to speak Sunday at the Conservative Political Action Conference on “The Future of the Republican Party.” It’s hilarious when you consider that Trump has almost single-handedly guaranteed that the Republican Party has no future.
Quickly, when and if you locate Mayor Snedecor, please point out to him what leadership looks like. His peer to the north, the Lake Station mayor, is assisting in snow and refuse disposal. To the east in Porter County, they are assisting people inadvertently plowed in by the government plows to dig out their driveways. Hobart, on the other hand, is insinuating people will be penalized, ticketing for unshoveled areas, and towing cars over a weekend, telling the citizens, who — by the way — pay your salaries, that salt is expensive. Mayor, THIS. IS. NORTHERN. INDIANA. IT. SNOWS. HERE. When you fail at the most routine duties, do at the right thing and just don’t leave a political party, leave the job.
Republicans are lining up in both the House and the Senate to declare unanimously that they won’t vote for Biden’s COVID-19/stimulus package because “it’s too much.” Now they’re getting in line to complain that the aid he’s pledged for the disaster in Texas is “not enough.” What’s weird is that they never even recognize their incredible hypocrisy.
Ted Cruz missed a great opportunity to teach his daughters how to be a humanitarian. Instead of a tropical vacation, they could have handed out food, water, and supplies to people in need. His privileged children would have benefitted by seeing how others suffered during the recent crisis.
Republicans don’t know how to govern, they only know how to campaign and complain.
Democratic New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — despised, demeaned and defamed by Republicans up and down the line — has raised almost $5 million for Texas relief. How much did Ted Cruz raise from his poolside lounger in Cancun? Or Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz or Josh Hawley? How much has Trump contributed from his billions while golfing at Mar-a-Lago? As they might say down there in Texas, these dudes are all hat and no cattle. These bad boys have been schooled by a little girl from New York City.
Ted Cruz, on vacation in Mexico while people in his state are dying from cold, is the face of the Republican party. They don’t care. Don’t believe it? Where is their affordable health care plan, 12 years in the making? People die without health care. And tax cuts for the rich, crumbs for the rest of us. They. Don’t. Care.
You don’t like that people are still complaining about Trump even though he is out of office. But in reality, he is still working to destroy this country. His small-minded fans still believe that he will be back in power, because he keeps telling them that. Blame him, not anyone else.
Thirty-two days in, President Biden has had 0 golf trips, and wasted exactly 0 taxpayer dollars.
Just got back from doing my taxes at Walmart. Another big refund just like the two years prior. I read about this in Quickly a couple of times a year followed up by another comment that says it’s all fake. Believe me, it’s not fake. I am spending real money. Each year, I reduce my SS tax payroll deductions but I never reduce it enough. I still get big refunds. I fear the day when Biden eliminates the tax cuts and I end up paying a bunch.
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