Default on debt is Trump’s default position

What a stand-up guy Trump is, urging a default on our national debt. He may think stiffing creditors is just s.o.p., as he has done with his six bankruptcies, but unfortunately, when countries default there are more devastating and long-lasting consequences. Why should we have expected better from Trump, since we already knew he is morally and ethically bankrupt?

— Glenn Nolte, Carmel Valley

Monterey Sports Center

It was Standing Room Only this week at the Monterey City Council’s special meeting on the Monterey Sports Center. The audience spoke with impassioned fervor in the benefits of this crown jewel of the community. The staff’s attentiveness, professionalism and compassion were highlighted by many. Both former Mayor Dan Albert and former Parks & Rec Director Kay Russo spoke of the original vision of the Sports Center — not just “sports,” but of the community within.

“It was never meant to pay for itself or be a money maker, ” stated Ms. Russo.

The full-time staff has dwindled and many programs, including child care must be reinstated. Sadly, Director Dr. Andrea Willer has resigned to pursue a new facility in Marina.

If the public is adamant to keep the doors open — longer hours to begin with — please, let Monterey city officials know.

— Elaine Giampietro, Monterey

Regarding your recent story about planned recommendations for the Monterey Sports Center (May 24), I would hope that city decision-makers will consider factors other than the financial bottom line.

The Sports Center provides many benefits to the greater Monterey Bay community that are vital but may be difficult to quantify: improved public health with many levels of physical activity, social contacts for people of many ages and backgrounds, vacation activities for our children and job opportunities for the folks employed at the Sports Center.

To help support the Sports Center, various stakeholders in our community should be encouraged to partner with the city, such as local companies providing memberships to employees and hospitals contributing funding as a public health measure.

— Heidi Feldman, Pacific Grove

Letter to high school graduates

Congratulations on your completion of high school training. You are now about to embark on the next phase of the care and nurture of your mind.

No matter what kind of training will be part of your next life’s journey, your mind is the key to your happiness. Be attentive to your mind. Feed it with good ideas and knowledge. Care for it and it will serve you well and enable you to be of service to others.

Keep a Log Book. It is a tool for preparing for the future. It is the key to recall for reflective pleasure as well as accurate recall and writing. When you fill one, be certain to get the next one and keep up the record of the important and enjoyable details of your life.

Oh, the Log Book, in addition to recording actual facts and events, serves as a handy place to record your thoughts, theories and observations about life, reality and myth, ideas which sometimes are fleeting. Perhaps these entries will be most important someday when you write articles or books.

— George Brehmer, Carmel

We need less, not more oil extraction

Do oil companies need to harm Monterey County’s environment further? After 70 years, they have done more than enough. The legislature needs to say, “It is over.”

Seventy years ago, two college classmates and I were happy making more money than we had ever made before as roustabouts in the “new” oil fields in San Ardo. Even then, when we saw oil rigs in the front yards of some homes, we wondered if oil drilling was right for this area. It didn’t “smell” right. Now, with the new methods, it will stink.

The oil companies have had enough years to foul the environment here. Stop them.

— Dick Andre, Aptos