DUI / Drug Possession Arrest: On Feb. 2 at around 12:21 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed by East Main Street and Pioneer Avenue. The officer conducted a traffic stop and contacted the driver, Jesus Palomares-Lopez, who was evaluated for driving under the influence. Palomares-Lopez resisted officers while being placed under arrest for driving under the influence. Palomares-Lopez was a 31-year-old Stockton resident. Palomares-Lopez was booked into the Yolo County Jail for driving under the influence and resisting arrest. The passenger, Mayra Chavez, a 44-year-old Stockton resident, had a glass pipe used for ingesting controlled substances so she was arrested. Chavez was booked into the Yolo County Jail for possession of paraphernalia.

Drug Possession Arrest: On Feb. 2 at around 3:34 p.m., an officer contacted Anthony Collins, a 63-year-old Woodland resident on the 400 block of Community Lane. Collins was on Parole. The officer searched Collins and located 12.45 grams of methamphetamine. Collins was arrested and booked into the Yolo County Jail for sales of a controlled substance and a parole violation.

Warrant arrest: On Feb. 3 at around 4:56 p.m., an officer located a female who was screaming and throwing items near the 600 block of Cottonwood Street. The female was identified as Yesenia Del Torro, a 35-year-old Woodland resident. Del Torro had a warrant for her arrest, so she was arrested and booked into the Yolo County Jail.

Outside agency assistance: On Feb. 4 at around 10:13 a.m., Woodland Officers were asked to assist the Sacramento Police Department in apprehending a suspect who was wanted for murder over on the 600 block of Cottonwood Street. After surrounding the location the suspect was believed to be staying, announcements were made. The suspect eventually exited the residence and was taken into custody. The suspect was turned over to the Sacramento Police Department.

Homeless Outreach Street Team Weekly Report

HOST made 26 contacts and offered services to 13 individuals, 3 accepted services. HOST tagged 4 camps and cleaned up 3. HOST conducted 5 downtown patrols.

Over the past few weeks, Host officers contacted a husband and wife who had recently become homeless. They expressed being hungry and not having connections to any resources. HOST gave them a list of resources and connected them with a local source for some food. This week we learned the couple was signed up with County resources who are helping them with life essentials.

This is a synopsis of reports provided by the Woodland Police Department, and does not include all calls or arrests or some cases which are under active investigation.