Trojan horse water assault

California American Water Co. is rolling into Marina on a ”Trojan Horse” gift in the form of a public outreach propaganda program that seeks Marina’s input on a $3 million community improvements investment. This “Trojan Horse” camouflages the true motive: to further seawater intrude the critically over-drafted Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin aquifers via slant well technology to validate its desalination facility, aka Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project. Funding this Trojan Horse is CalAm’s MPWSP Coast Development Fund.

Cal Am’s MPWSP water source is the SVGB aquifers, NOT the ocean. Per HydroFocus, Cal Am’s hydrogeologist, the slant wells must be located directly over the 180/400 Foot aquifers in the SVGB. While Cal Am re-positions its slant well on paper to deceive, on-the-ground proof irrefutably demonstrates that MPWSP’s slant well is solidly installed in the SVGB freshwater aquifers.

Do not be deceived. This $3 million “Gift” fulfills a California Coastal Commission requirement CalAm must satisfy for MPWSP permit approval. Cal Am’s encroachment depletes Marina city coffers via costly lawsuits for Marina to defend its water supply; Cal Am furthers its sinister exploitation with a measly pittance offering to disingenuously curry favor, all the while stealthily seeking to usurp Marina’s water supply for its MPWSP.

— Margaret-Anne Coppernoll, Marina

Pacific Grove

Listening to public comments during the BNRC meeting regarding George Washington Park felt like a Saturday Night Live skit — until it became downright frustrating, infuriating, and deeply concerning.

It was clear that many of those speaking — including some BNRC members — prioritize environmental concerns, endangered species, and fallen, rotting trees over the safety of nearby homes and residents. While environmental protection is important, common sense and fire mitigation efforts must take precedence when public safety is at risk.

Unfortunately, leadership continues to cave to extreme environmentalist demands instead of taking decisive action to clean up the park. Imagine living near GWP and hearing someone argue that clearing hazardous material is “decimating the park,” or that because PG doesn’t experience Santa Ana winds, there’s no real fire danger. Or “the marine layer and cooler climate make fire risk negligible.” One cited seeing a banana slug as a reason to conduct a study on protecting them!

Some opposed large equipment for clean up. Should we bring in the Amish with mule teams and horse-drawn buggies to clear out the dead, rotting trees? Meanwhile, fire fuel continues to build up, and bureaucratic inefficiency — passing the issue from one committee to another, wanting reports thus stalling necessary cleanup and fire prevention efforts. This is happening despite the fire prevention presentation and the input from a Commander at a recent council meeting.

The argument that “there’s never been a fire there before” is a reckless excuse for inaction. Waiting for a crisis is not a plan.

Weak leadership cannot please everyone, and it must not allow extreme environmental views to override basic public safety. There must be a balanced approach—one that prioritizes wildfire mitigation while considering environmental concerns in a reasonable way. The time for endless reports and delays is over. Action is needed now, before this preventable hazard turns into a disaster.

— Christie Italiano-Thomas, Pacific Grove

Our democracy

The integrity of our democracy is at stake. Investigative journalist Greg Palast has uncovered evidence of widespread voter suppression in the 2024 presidential election. His film “Vigilantes Inc.” reveals that 3.5 million votes were challenged and excluded, primarily targeting Democratic voters.

This tactic has potentially altered the election outcome. Palast’s research suggests that if all legal ballots had been counted, Vice President Kamala Harris might have secured victory in key states.

The Democratic National Committee is aware of these issues but has yet to take decisive action. As citizens, we must not remain silent. We urge you to watch “Vigilantes Inc.,” available for free online, and then demand accountability from your elected officials.

Regardless of political affiliation, the right to vote is fundamental to our democracy. We call on you to contact your senators and representatives, asking for a thorough investigation into these voter suppression tactics and measures to protect voting rights for all Americans. Together, we can ensure that every vote counts and our democracy remains strong.

— David Kempton, Seaside