Dear Heloise: Most people try to turn the lid on a bottle and cannot get it open. It is much easier to hold the top, then turn the bottle or jar. Try it; you will be amazed.

— Ron Bernoski, via email


Dear Heloise: I’m in total agreement with Karen Scott regarding thank-you notes. I taught my boys as soon as they could draw. They had to write a thank-you note before playing with their gifts. In the beginning, I helped them, but they both still write thank-you notes in their late 20s.

My youngest recently bought his first home, and he sent the realtor, who happens to be a dear friend of mine, a thank-you note. She told me he is the only person who has ever done so, and it really touched her heart. I’m not very inclined to give people gifts if they don’t thank me.

— Kimberly Hart, Westerville, Ohio


Dear Heloise: I traded in my mandolin’s safety guard for a cut-proof glove. I have fewer, smaller hunks left at the end, and there are no trips to the emergency room.

— Jen, Via Email


Dear Heloise: Being 5 feet, 1 inch tall, I often have difficulty removing clothes from my front-loading washer and dryer. So, I bought a 12-inch spaghetti spoon, which makes it a cinch to reach clothes that get stuck in the back of the washer and dryer.

Also, when shopping, I carry an extendable back scratcher (8 inches at its shortest length) in my purse or pocket to help me slide items on a top shelf to the front where I can reach them.

— S. Riorden, in Seneca, New York


Dear Heloise: Yes, there is a new Medicare card (although it is old news). Still, people should be alert for scams:

Key changes: The new cards no longer include your Social Security number (SSN) to help protect you from identity theft.

Issuance: The transition to the new cards began in 2018 and was largely completed by April 2019.

How to get a replacement card online: You can request a replacement at

How to get a replacement card by phone: Call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) to get a replacement card sent in the mail.

How to get a replacement card in person: Visit your local Social Security office.

I hope this helps!

— Peter Prentice, via email


Dear Heloise: My husband and children used to leave me little notes such as: “Please pick up my insulin on your way home tonight,” or “Your mom called and wants to talk to you as soon as possible.” These were not big secrets, but they were still considered private. I found one of my neighbors going through a small stack of these messages one day when she was over to borrow my rug shampoo. I found this intrusion aggravating.

So, I took some chalkboard paint and painted the inside of my utility closet door. We now leave messages on it instead of notes. At least I have my privacy back!

— F.H., in Massachusetts

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