Scott Slobodnik, of Tinley Park, is bothered that his daughter gets up at 4 a.m. so she can participate in track practice that begins at 5 a.m. at Lincoln-Way East High School in Frankfort.

He said even though she goes to bed early, she’d have to fall asleep by 8 p.m. to get the eight hours of rest that medical professionals recommend for teenagers.

“Chronic sleep loss among teenagers has been associated with poor school performance and a higher risk for depressive symptoms, obesity, cardiovascular problems, risk-taking behaviors and athletic injuries, to name a few,” Time magazine said in a 2017 article.

In a research paper, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine called for school start times no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for children in middle schools and high schools. Slobodnik said he’s concerned about his daughter’s early-morning track practices.

“She’s in honors classes,” he told me. “I don’t want her school grades to suffer because of extracurricular activities.”

Lincoln-Way East must schedule many athletic practices early in the mornings because demand is high for facilities in the afternoon. In the winter, track teams practice in an indoor field house because of the weather.

It can be tough to accommodate high numbers of students who choose to enrich their high school experiences by participating in organized athletics. Lincoln-Way’s state-champion volleyball programs and other sports also compete for prime after-school practice time in field houses. The basketball program at Lincoln-Way East consists of six teams for boys and girls at the freshmen, sophomore and varsity levels.

The district reported 7,010 students enrolled in its Central, East and West schools for the 2017-2018 school year, according to Illinois Report Card data made available by the State Board of Education.

The school district provided a statement attributed to Superintendent Scott Tingley in response to my inquiry about facility usage.

“Nearly all student athletes practice in the morning at some time during the school year,” the district said. “The gym, field house, stadium turf, and pool are routinely used before school at all three high schools.”

Most high school districts would have to accept this reality as a simple function of supply and demand. But Lincoln-Way isn’t like most high school districts. It has an extra high school building with a field house, pool, fitness center, weight room and other facilities.

Lincoln-Way North High School in Frankfort closed in 2016 amid a financial crisis and declining enrollment in the district. The school existed for only eight years. It opened in 2008 after voters approved a $225 million building bond referendum.

Frankfort Square Park District leases the North building. The district makes the school’s recreational facilities available to members of the public on a daily basis. People pay fees to use the facilities. Memberships are not available to people who do not reside within the Lincoln-Way school district.

Slobodnik is just one parent expressing his opinion, but he wants to know why some student-athletes from Lincoln-Way’s three high schools can’t ride buses to the North building after school for practices. He figures if that were the case, maybe not as many students would have to get up extra early for practices before school.

“What about the kids?” he asked. “The kids should come first.”

In his view, policymakers for the school district ought to give top priority to the interests of Lincoln-Way students.

Slobodnik raises a valid policy question about facility usage, especially with a school board election coming up on April 2. Six candidates are running for four seats on the Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 Board of Education.

“The Lincoln-Way Community High Schools are committed to providing the experiences and opportunities necessary to maximize the academic and social growth of all students,” the district says in its mission statement.

Slobodnik presented his concerns to the board during public comment at a Jan. 17 board meeting.

Others may not agree with Slobodnik’s view. In addition to thinking about the best interests of students, Lincoln-Way officials should rightfully consider opinions of other community members. Many of the 100,000 or so citizens who live in the school district have no children enrolled in the Lincoln-Way schools.

Many of them have paid thousands of dollars in real estate taxes to the district over the years. School and park district officials no doubt acted in the interests of taxpayers and community members when they worked together on a lease agreement to make facilities at North available to the public.

A Frankfort Square Park District representative on Friday said Director Jim Randall was unavailable and that Tingley, the Lincoln-Way superintendent, would be best able to answer questions about the partnership.

In its response attributed to Tingley, the district said students from other schools have used space at North.

“If there is a need for the facilities at Lincoln-Way North then we will use it,” the district said. “The marching band has in the past.”

A majority of people in the Lincoln-Way community might feel the current situation is best for everyone. Residents who use recreational facilities at North no doubt appreciate the public access to amenities they helped pay for with their tax dollars.

If other parents share Slobodnik’s concerns, they should express them to their elected and appointed school district representatives. The challenge for school officials is balancing the interests of taxpayers and community members with the health and academic interests of students.

At the very least, Slobodnik is helping raise awareness about concerns associated with early-morning practices for student-athletes.

Twitter @TedSlowik1