If you could dream up the best, most wonderful ornament for any Christmas tree, what would it be?

Whatever it is, Old World Christmas wants to see your drawing of it.

The Spokane, Washington-based company, which was founded in 1979 and has more than 1,400 proprietary ornament designs, has launched its third annual nationwide search for the next great ornament. The contest’s deadline is March 16.

“We’re always getting emails and calls from consumers with ornament ideas, so we thought we’d make it official and run a contest to produce one winning idea,” said Neal Applefeld, president and chief executive officer of Old World Christmas.

The first winner, in 2023, was a woman from Columbus, Ohio, whose ornament idea was chosen out of 457 competing designs, and, in 2024, another woman from North Wales, Pennsylvania, won the contest out of a field of 582 submissions.

The winning entry will be announced in April and available for sale to the public in November.

Besides “major bragging rights,” the grand prize winner will have their “design turned into an official Old World Christmas ornament available for sale this holiday season and a $500 Old World Christmas gift pack,” according to Applefeld.

Additionally, five finalists will receive a $150 Old World Christmas gift pack.

“We’re looking for designs that translate well into an ornament,” Applefeld said. “All of our ornaments are mouth-blown glass, so details are important. Artistically, the sky’s the limit. The more color and the more fun the better.”

There’s no limit to the themes that can be explored.

“Our ornaments tell a story and we’re looking to capture key memories and moments in the lives of our consumers,” he said. “From traditional Christmas moments to pop culture moments to modern takes on traditions, we have it all.”Upload a photo or video of your ornament idea to bit.ly/owcnextgreatornament.

If you need inspiration, browse the Old World Christmas ornament collections at oldworldchristmas.com.

Show off

If you have a beautiful or interesting Marin garden or a newly designed Marin home, I’d love to know about it.

Please send an email describing either one (or both), what you love most about it and a photograph or two. I will post the best ones in upcoming columns. Your name will be published, and you must be over 18 years old and a Marin resident.

PJ Bremier writes on home, garden, design and entertaining topics every Saturday. She may be contacted at P.O. Box 412, Kentfield 94914, or at pj@pjbremier.com.