Council must take action on climate issues
The City Council, should take action on these items ASAP:
Climate change. Write a new ordinance to protect healthy trees on private property. Look at Austin, TX, and Tacoma, WA, for their private property tree ordinances. Too many trees are being cut down! Boulder needs to increase our tree canopy and “green” space. Add “pocket” parks. Eliminate the loopholes in the wetlands ordinance. Outlaw gas-powered lawnmowers and leaf powers. Eliminate rock landscaping — it is not permeable. Rocks increase the heat index. Use dirt, compost and ground cover instead of rocks. Stop snow plowing when the weather is warm/sunny on later days. Change Western Disposal trash/landfill pickup to every other week instead of weekly. Partner with BVSD for student input. Ask BVSD to have a student contest on household recycling and compost.
Fire mitigation. Outlaw fire pits and fire tables for all types of housing (including single-family houses) inside the City of Boulder. Adjoining neighbors and neighborhoods are at risk with Boulder’s dry climate and winds. Marshall Fire was started by embers flamed with winds. It was a tragedy for all involved and should be a wake-up call for the City of Boulder.
Mandate the Police Department implement a zero tolerance policy for homeless campfires. No warnings.
— Gail Gordon, Boulder
Israel should remember the story of Medusa
While the atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel on Oct. 7 are beyond heinous and barbaric the stated goal of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to continue the current war “until Hamas is obliterated” seems to conjure a couple of misgivings.
While Mr. Netanyahu’s goal is Hamas obliteration he should refresh his memory of Medusa from Greek mythology. Even when Medusa (Hamas) was beheaded her head remained active with hair of snakes and eyes to turn people to stone.
It’s possible that many innocent Palestinians ensnared in the current war against Hamas have the potential to survive (Medusa’s head) but with a heightened hatred for Israel and greater sympathy for Hamas. Perhaps the Israeli Prime Minister and head of Hamas (and other terrorist nations/organizations) should reflect and enact the wisdom of Sun Tzu of 2,500 years past “To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
— RC Lloyd, Longmont
How to prevent impostor syndrome in only children
My siblings have always been my best friends. Because of this, I have always been confident in myself because I know they will always be there for me. But what if they were not?
Many only children are labeled with imposter syndrome later in their lives. Imposter syndrome is the feeling of having self-doubt within certain areas of someone’s life including work situations and school and family situations as well. This is usually related to only children because they do not have the support system at an early age that siblings give. Only children lack the social interactions that siblings give at an early age.
A way to make up for this would be sports and clubs. These alternatives give only children and children with siblings time to interact with new kids and learn how to socialize with kids their age.
One of the best things a parent can do for their kid is encourage social interaction whether that be on a play date or a birthday party parents should be pushing their kid to go and socialize as frequently as they can. This does not just help with socialization but also with confidence, this will help them learn who they are and how to be the best version of themselves. All these things will help only children and even children with siblings who may not be as close create strong bonds and help prevent impostor syndrome later on in life.
— Merrick McRoberts, Boulder