A hand sanitizing pump stands in the middle of a near empty departure terminal as few passengers board and Air France flight to Paris at Johannesburg’s OR Tambo airport. (Jerome Delay/AP )
What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
I just watched “Love Actually” and cried … again at the ending, but this time for a different reason.Praying that sometime REALLY soon we will be greeting people the same way at airports, parties, etc.
So ol’ Jimbob Snyder thinks time has run out for the federal courts to retry him on the charges against him. Newsflash, Jimbob, coronavirus changed EVERYTHING … and you ain’t special, pal. Better get ready for the range jumpsuit and shackles to wear in Club Fed!
Republicans have been dragging their feet on passage of a stimulus bill, and millions of people as a result can’t even put food on the table. Now we learn that one of the many hold-ups was the GOP insistence that the bill contain a provision to make business lunches tax exempt.
You can’t afford to put food on the table without the stimulus check?Get a job. Help wanted signs are everywhere. Try working for a living.
While giving a speech at a Turning Point USA rally, Vice President Mike Pence speaking of the Democrats said “They want to make rich people poorer and poor people more comfortable.” As if enacting policies that lift up struggling Americans is a bad thing.
Republican senator Pat Toomey says we have to hold the line on stimulus relief because of the deficit. You have to be kidding. It’s ok to give big business and millionaires tax breaks, but little businesses and the middle class don’t deserve it? How do people still vote for Republicans?
The man who died from COVID-19 on the United flight to Florida liedand filled out a form saying he wasn’t having COVID-19 symptoms. His wife later said he was. There should be a $20,000 fine issued for anyone who lies about COVID-19 symptoms. This is a killer and everything possible should be done to prevent more deaths.
Did you get your pardon yet? I heard everybody’s getting one before January 20!
Dominion and Smartmatic, both voting technology companies, have started to fight back against being named in baseless conspiracy theories. After legal threats were made, Fox News Channel and Newsmax have aired retractions of the false claims concerning voting fraud made on their networks.
An elections system worker at Dominion Voting Systems has filed a lawsuit against the Trump campaign, two of its lawyers, and some conservative media figures and outlets. He has been getting death threats after they named him in false charges for rigging the election for Joe Biden. Good, until these people pay the price, they will continue with the lies.
When Trump campaigned about draining the swamp, what he meant was he was going to pardon all the grifters, liars and murderers in his administration before he left office.
All hell is breaking loose every day in the Oval Office with the president bouncing off the walls trying to figure out another way to overturn the election. And where is Jared Kushner — he is participating in a tree-planting ceremony in Jerusalem. Just because.
The Quickly In-Resident Trump supporter mentioned that Biden did most of his campaigning from his basement, and that he had the full support of the “sycophantic media.” Being able to win a presidential election by hanging out in the basement says a mouthful about the opposition. Trump must have been awfully weak! Also, I think the media in general were fair and balanced. The problem was not the media. It was Trump! The media reported “the good, the bad and the ugly.” Trump’s administration represented too much of “the bad and ugly!”
The comment about “diversity” had nothing to do with just the “BIDEN ADMINISTRATION”(if there is one), it had everything to do with hiring practices of businesses and the slant of the propaganda being perpetrated by the so called “mainstream media”. But that’s OK, act like you know what you’re talking about, even though you don’t.
Six Republicans against the relief Bill:Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. Don’t forget these people.
Michael Flynn is urging President Trump to order Martial Law, seize the voting machines, and re-run the elections. Military leaders have suggested that Flynn should be recalled to active duty and put on trial in military court for treason.
Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.