Aries: A single twig breaks easily but a bundle is strong. You may combine your strength with others to endure any difficulties you might face and emerge triumphant when the storm has passed. Remember, there is strength in numbers.

Taurus: Some things may not go in your way. Necessity not only drives creation but also shapes convention. You could gain the respect and admiration you desire by not going against the grain. Find a way to be yourself without missing a beat.

Gemini: You don’t need to impress true friends and loving partners. Although you may be more prone to being trusting, keep a respectful distance with new acquaintances until you know them better. Genuine connections will come in due time.

Cancer: Connect with others. Whether it’s offering someone a pat on the back or getting your foot in the right door, use warmth and assertiveness to your benefit while lending a helping hand. Make sure to stay active and prioritize your wellbeing.

Leo: Even small favors may come with major commitments. Future misunderstandings about what amounts to fair reimbursement might arise. Being clear and detailed about your expectations from the beginning could prevent future disputes.

Virgo: Keep things in perspective. Remember that true happiness and the quality of your life aren’t determined by your titles, bank balance, or possessions. Consider seeking out people with greater experience and wider scope who serve as inspiration.

Libra: Boosting your earnings and increasing your bank account may be top of mind. You could receive opportunities or generous discounts from those who appreciate you. Stay loyal to your friends and they should have your best interest at heart.

Scorpio: There are phases in everyone’s life. You might be in a stage of experimentation and exploration. Think about stepping away from the expectations you were trained and programed to follow, and you might discover your true and authentic self.

Sagittarius: Friendliness might be your ticket to fame and fortune. It may be time to release recurring suspicions and fears by treating everyone with fairness and honesty. Be aware that someone close to you might be hiding some dissatisfaction.

Capricorn: A new book, a movie, or a conversation with a knowledgeable person could bring on plenty of exciting ideas. Friends might provide constructive criticism or offer a testing ground, possibly helping you effectively refine a project.

Aquarius: When opportunities arise, be ready to seize them. Your ability to act swiftly and use your intelligent observations could bring you great rewards. Stay alert for valuable advice or guidance that could help you achieve extraordinary success.

Pisces: Be mindful of the rules and expectations. You might be in a situation in which you find yourself interacting with people with other interests. Your best qualities might not be appreciated, possibly leading your potential being restricted.

If Sept. 30 is your birthday: Your dreamy fantasies might be interrupted by emotionally charged dramas this week, but don’t let that interfere with your ability to fulfill your responsibilities. Perhaps you could indulge in a fancy dinner or escape on a weekend retreat to gather fresh inspiration. Your social calendar may fill up as late October arrives and November unfolds, so consider accepting invitations and attending community gatherings where you might make valuable connections. Influential friends may be willing to lend a hand but might expect you to return the favor. Avoid being too bossy or aggressive in the first week of December when your authority could be challenged. Your intelligence about the material world could feel enhanced. You might be on a roll in late December when it may seem easier than usual to get your business and personal affairs in order while taking steps to ensure possible profits.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency