While travel junkies probably don’t need another reason to justify their wanderlust, it seems there’s new research out showing that being a globetrotter can be a great way to prevent premature aging.

A study published by Science Daily shows that leisurely travel activities can help alleviate chronic stress, reduce overactivation of the immune system and even promote the healthy functioning of the body’s self-defense system.

“Forget about retinol night creams, researchers from Edith Cowan University believe travel could be the best way to defy premature aging,” says the publication.

Science Daily goes on to point out that for the first time “an interdisciplinary study has applied the theory of entropy to tourism, finding that travel could have positive health benefits, including slowing down the signs of aging.”

What took them so long to confirm what we all know? For those not familiar with the term entropy, it is classified as the general trend of the universe towards death and disorder, says Science Daily.

And it seems that the entropy research suggests tourism could trigger entropy changes, including positive travel experiences mitigating entropy and enhancing health.

=Conversely, negative experiences may contribute to entropy increase and compromise health, per the study.

“Aging, as a process, is irreversible. While it can’t be stopped, it can be slowed down,” says Edith Cowan University PhD candidate and study leader Fangli Hu.

Hu also pointed out that positive travel experiences can potentially enhance one’s physical and mental wellness through exposure to novel environments, engagement in physical activities and social interaction. And as an added bonus, travel can foster positive emotions.

“Tourism isn’t just about leisure and recreation. It could also contribute to people’s physical and mental health,” Hu added.

Travel as anti-aging therapy

Let’s take a deeper dive into the good news from the study.

It seems travel therapy can actually serve as a “groundbreaking health intervention when viewed through an entropy lens” says Hu.

“As an important aspect of the environment, positive travel experiences may help the body sustain a low-entropy state by modulating its four major systems,” she says.

That’s because tourism typically exposes globetrotters to new surroundings and if all goes well, also to relaxing activities.

These settings, it seems, can stimulate stress responses and elevate metabolic rates, positively influencing metabolic activities and the body’s self-organizing capabilities. These things may also trigger an adaptive immune system response.

All of this “improves the body’s ability to perceive and defend itself against external threats,” explained Hu.

“Put simply, the self-defense system becomes more resilient. Hormones conducive to tissue repair and regeneration may be released and promote the self-healing system’s functioning” says Hu.

Some of the healthiest forms of travel include physical activities such as hiking, climbing, walking and cycling.

This physical exertion can boost metabolism, energy expenditure, and material transformation — and all of this is good for you.

Distributed by Tribune News Service.