Fill in the blanks. (e.g., A flock of ____ is called a “flamboyance.” Answer: Flamingoes.)

Freshman level

1. _____ is the only planet to spin clockwise.

2. ____ Island is home to nearly 1,000 giant head statues.

3. Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of _____.

Graduate level

4. The country with the most extant pyramids is ____.

5. When counting, what letter appears for the first time in the number “one thousand”?

6. _____ has the world’s oldest parliament.

Ph.D. level

7. Giant ____ have the largest eyes of any animal.

8. Abraham Lincoln is in the ____ Hall of Fame.

9. Winston Churchill’s mother was born in ____ City.

Answers: 1. Venus. 2. Easter. 3. Israel. 4. Sudan. 5. A. 6. Iceland. 7. Squid. 8. Wrestling. 9. New York City (Brooklyn).

— North America Syndicate