Podcast shows Newsom is out of step with state

Re: “Newsom opposes trans athletes in women’s sports” (Page A1, March 7).

While MAGA believers sabotage government services and steal our data, Gov. Newsom hosted one of them on his podcast.

Worse, he demonized our trans siblings by agreeing to the nonexistent link between trans athletes and problems in women’s sports.

For shame, Gov. Newsom. Stop spending your time pandering to known bad actors and positioning yourself for the 2028 race. Instead, do your job protecting us from MAGA.

— Baby Djojonegoro Oakland

Newsom exposes his lack of substance

Re: “Newsom opposes trans athletes in women’s sports” (Page A1, March 7).

The action by Gavin Newsom criticizing trans athletes in women’s sports just confirms that he is nothing more than a smooth-talking pretty boy who has no substance.

He showed that previously with his disdain for his own COVID mask-mandate order by going maskless and being around a large, maskless crowd of his rich buddies at The French Laundry, with his kids going maskless at school, and with his mandate for selling only electric cars by 2035, even though there is almost no infrastructure for charging EVs in our state.

Not to mention his not caring that this EV order will close every new car dealership in the state.

A thoughtless, self-centered person with no substance: That is Gavin Newsom in a nutshell.

— Rocky Fort San Lorenzo

Newsom is talking his way out of politics

Re: “Newsom opposes trans athletes in women’s sports” (Page A1, March 7).

Gov. Newsom immersed himself in the MAGA world of Charlie Kirk, where he stated that he is against transgender sports. Kirk was just thrilled.

Newsom just shot the LGBTQ+ community in the heart — a massive betrayal to many Californians.

This is unless he is playing head games with the opposition. Perhaps he hasn’t sold his soul but is infiltrating the “party.”

Either way, Newsom is on his way out, and that’s a good thing.

— Marlene Lerner-Bigley Martinez

Trump fails character test; GOP shrugs

Donald Trump is mendacious (a liar), adulterous (a serial womanizer), and a convicted felon. Yet, nearly half the country thinks he’s OK.

So much for valuing the content of one’s character, since he clearly has none.

— Richard Ackerman Castro Valley