To have an event included in the Vitality calendar, email the name of the event, the time, date, address, cost (if applicable) and contact information to jgray@medianewsgroup.com.
March 13: Shelby Gardeners present George Papadelis, Tellys, New Flowers for 2025. Program held at Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center, 4101 River Bends Dr., Shelby Twp. Programs are from 1-2 p.m. $5 admission. For more information, call Ivy Schwartz, publicist, at 586-873-3782.
March 13: St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Thursday, March 13, noon. Cost: $6. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a festive luncheon at the Senior Center! Enjoy delicious food, live music, and plenty of holiday cheer. Our musical guest is the Black Murray Band! Check out their website for a sneak peek at blackmurrayband.com. Advance registration is required. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 14: Financial Friday Tax Planning at the Older Persons’ Commission. 10:30 a.m. $2. Learn strategies to maximize deductions, understand tax credits, and stay up-to-date on changes in tax laws. Presented by Rochester Wealth Strategies Vice PresidentXenia Woltmann, AWMA. Open to the public. Please pre-register by calling (248) 659-1029. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org.
March 15: The Great Puzzle Smackdown at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. Saturday, March 15 at 1 p.m. Calling all puzzlers! Assemble your teams and prepare to face off in HTPL’s annual Great Puzzle Smackdown! Race against the clock to solve a challenging jigsaw puzzle. The first team to complete the puzzle will win a prize! Maximum team size of six people. Registration is required. Call, click, or stop by the library to secure your spot. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 17: Yoga Tales & Twists at 10 a.m. at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. Through gentle stretching and mindful breathing, kids develop focus and relaxation skills that can benefit them in daily life. Whether they’re pretending to be animals in the jungle or floating like clouds, yoga for kids is all about fun, connection, and discovering the joy of movement! Please bring your own yoga mats. Registration is encouraged, but not required. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 17: Movie at Blair Memorial Library at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Monday, March 17, 1 p.m. Enjoy a free movie screening at Blair Memorial Library! Complimentary popcorn will be provided, making this the perfect way to spend an afternoon. The movie title will be announced closer to the event date. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 18 & 25: Knitting and Crochet Circle at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. at 10 a.m. Welcome knitters and crocheters of all levels! Hang out and share your creativity with other knitters. Please bring your own projects and supplies. The group creates and donates to charitable organizations like Beaumont Little Angels, Project Linus, Compassion Pregnancy, and more to provide comfort items during times of need. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 18: Check Mates at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Tuesday, March 18 at 6 p.m. Ages 12 to adult. No registration required. Join us once a month to play Chess and meet other enthusiasts. Whether you are a chess master or new to the game, you’re welcome here. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or email rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
March 18: Fit to Dance: Tue & Thur, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m. — Our next session begins on March 18 at Tenniswood Elementary Gym located at 23450 Glenwood Ave, Clinton Twp. Cost $180 (18 Classes). Register online at www.lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
March 18: Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Group at the Older Persons’ Commission, from 1:30—3 p.m. Support group for those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Open to the public. Respite care is available. OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. Call (248) 659-1036 or visit OPCcenter.org for additional information.
March 18: Royal Oak Musicale Bus Trip at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Tuesday, March 18. Bus departs at 12:30 p.m.; performance at 1 p.m. Cost: $3. Support local musicians and enjoy an afternoon of live music in Royal Oak. Reserve your spot for this delightful musical experience. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 19: Coffee & Conversation with Todd Schuver of Senior Care Authority at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Wednesday, March 19 at 10 a.m. Join Todd Schuver from Senior Care Authority at the library for free coffee and donuts. Looking for senior living in Macomb or Oakland County for you or a loved one? Overwhelmed by the number of choices? Learn about the best options in your area, and take the chance to connect with your community. Sign up online or at the library. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 19: Papotage & Cie: Talk-time in French st the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville, Wednesday, March 19 at 6 p.m. Ages 11 to adult, No registration required. A program for anyone who has learned or is learning French and wants a chance to practice in an informal and safe environment with a native French speaker, and librarian. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or email rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
March 19: Savvy Seniors Funeral Pre-Planning Green Burials & Veterans Burial Benefits at the Older Persons’ Commission at 9:30 a.m. $5. Discover eco-friendly green burial options and veterans’ burial benefits in the informative session. Gain insights to make thoughtful stress-free decisions for yourself or loved ones. This event is sponsored by Comfort Keepers. Register by calling (248 )659-1029. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org
March 19: Painting with a Twist at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Wednesday, March 19. Bus departs at 9:45 a.m. Cost: $40. Express your creativity with a guided painting class led by a local artist in Ferndale. A sack lunch option is available for an additional cost. Advanced registration is required. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 19: Tech Time at HTPL: Spring Cleaning Your Devices at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. Join the adult librarians for monthly Tech Time at HTPL! Looking to “spring clean” this season? Consider adding a digital cleaning session to your list! Learn tips on how to declutter your everyday devices to clear storage space, organize your information, and help your tech run more efficiently. Registration is encouraged, but not required. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 19: Papotage & Cie: Talk-time in French at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave Roseville, Wednesdays: March 5 & 19 at 6 p.m. Ages 11 to adult, No registration required. Papotage & Cie is a program for French conversation practice with a French native speaker and librarian. The program is open to any teenager or adult who speaks some French and wants an informal and safe place to practice with others. We will be meeting in the City Hall lobby for the next several months as the Library is renovated. Please continue to enter the building from the Library main entrance facing Kelly Road. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
March 20: Mystery Book Club: The Last Policeman at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Thursday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. No registration required. Calling all sleuths! Get together with other mystery readers as we discuss crime novels once a month. This month, we will discuss “The Last Policeman” by Ben H. Winters. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or email rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
March 20: Trivia Night at Total Sports sponsored by the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Thursday, March 20 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Come test out your knowledge at HTPL Trivia Night, hosted at Total Sports! Tickets include trivia plus unlimited pizza, salad, and soft drinks. Tickets can be purchased at the library for $7 in advance or purchased at the door on Trivia Night for $8. Cash or check only! Maximum team size of six, and arrive with a team or we’ll team you up. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 20: OPC’s Got Talent Open Mic Night at the Older Persons’ Commission, 6-8 p.m. Calling all musicians! Share your talent and perform Open-Mic style. Not a performer? No problem! The public is welcome to join the audience for an evening of live music and community fun. Open to the public. For more information, call (248) 659-1029 or visit OPCcenter.org. Musicians email mmccauley@opccenter.org. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester.
March 20: Wheel of Fortune Game at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Thursday, March 20, 1 p.m. Spin the wheel and test your luck in this exciting game show-inspired event! Fun, prizes, and laughter await. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 21: Free Tax Prep with VITA at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Macomb County residents with an annual income under $67,000 per year are eligible for free tax help with VITA. VITA. Receive free assistance for federal, state, and city tax returns. Service includes e-filling and direct deposit. Please bring all valid identification, income documentation, proof of expenses, direct deposit information, and past year’s completed tax returns. To schedule an appointment, call (586) 463-2537 or visit macombca.itfrontdesk.com/vita.
March 21: Grief Support Group at the Older Persons’ Commission, from 10-11 a.m. The death of a loved one affects your head, heart and spirit. A Grief Support Group is an opportunity to gain an understanding about grief and receive support and healing with other caring individuals who have experienced a loss. Many people report a feeling of relief in knowing they are not alone as they share their experience with others. Open to the public. Walk-ins are Welcome Questions: (248) 608-0249. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org.
March 21: Mystery Trip — Bus departs from Walmart, 45400 Marketplace, Clinton Twp at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, March 21. This is the first full day of Spring and we think it’s a good idea to get out of the house and do something, like joining us on this Spring Mystery Trip. Can’t say too much about it because, after-all, it is a mystery trip. First on the agenda is a presentation and exhibit which should prove to be both entertaining and interesting. Afterwards, we will enjoy lunch at an amazing spot. Choose entree at time of reservation. All entrees include a beverage and dessert. Sound good? We think so. Cost $60. Register online at www.lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
March 22: The Single Way, a group for Christian single adults, is having its next meeting on Saturday, March 22 7 p.m.. It will feature a games night with hot and cold appetizers, snacks, and beverages. The price is $5. If coming, a reservation is due by Friday, March 21. For more information and location, call 586-774-2119.
March 23: Card Party: Pinochle, euchre, dominoes or other card games. Come alone or with a group. Sponsored by: Daughters of Isabella Queen of the Skies, Circle 683, from 12:30-3:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 23, at St Thecla Catholic Church Activity Center, 20762 So. Nunneley Road, Clinton Twp. Lunch, dessert, raffles, door, & table prizes. Donation $10. Tickets available at the door. For more information, call 586-791-6177 or 586-791-9012.
March 24: The Power of Mindfulness with Paula Tutman at the Older Persons’ Commission, 1 p.m. No Charge. Paula, a retired reporter for 32 years with DVIV, will share her personal story of living as an expat in her youth, her career with WDIV, and her self-discovery as an entrepreneur and artist. This presentation will offer an insightful, and an empowering perspective on living a balanced and fulfilling life. For more information, call (248) 659-1029 or visit OPCcenter.org. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester.
March 24: FREE Craft Workshop: Wooden Mosaic Coasters at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Monday, March 24, 1 p.m. Join a local youth group to create beautiful wooden coasters with mosaic tiles. Supplies are provided, and this event is free of charge. Advance registration is required. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 25: AARP OATS Tech Talks at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Tuesday, March 25, 4 p.m. at the library. Getting to Know Your Smartphone! Don’t let your smartphone’s settings stump you! Learn the basics in this workshop. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 25: Oreo Taste Testing at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Tuesday, March 25 at 1 p.m. Join us for a delicious and fun-filled Oreo Taste Testing program! Perfect for cookie lovers of all ages, this interactive event invites participants to explore a variety of Oreo flavors and discover their favorites. Call, click, or stop by the library to register. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 25: Tuesday Night Book Club at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Tuesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. Join the Tuesday Night Book Group as we discuss In “Five Years” by Rebecca Serle. Where do you see yourself in five years? When Type-A Manhattan lawyer Dannie Kohan is asked this question at the most important interview of her career, she has a meticulously crafted answer at the ready. Later, after nailing her interview and accepting her boyfriend’s marriage proposal, Dannie goes to sleep knowing she is right on track to achieve her five-year plan. But when she wakes up, she’s suddenly in a different apartment, with a different ring on her finger, and beside a very different man. The television news is on in the background, and she can just make out the scrolling date. It’s the same night—Dec. 15—but 2025, five years in the future. Get your copy and join us today.
March 26: Parkinson’s Care Partner Group at the Older Persons’ Commission, 1-3 p.m.This group provides an opportunity for those who are caring for their loved one to come together for support, sharing and time to talk with others who are also living with Parkinson’s. Open to the public. Call facilitator Kathy Walton 248.568.3549. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org.
March 27: Women’s History Month: Women in Prohibition at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. March is Women’s History Month! Join us as we welcome local author and educator Patti Smith to discuss women in the Prohibition era. Learn about the roles women played in the alcohol industry throughout history. Registration is required. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
March 27: Women’s Luncheon Detroit’s Dynamic Dames at the Older Persons’ Commission, March 27 at 1 p.m. $15. The famous and not-so-famous women who changed Detroit. Presented by: Cate Waldecker, Education Coordinator Detroit Historical Society. This program is sponsored by Wellbridge of Rochester Hills. Register
by calling (248) 659-1029. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org
March 27: Casino Bus Trips Motor City at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Thursday, March 27 & Friday, March 28. Bus departs at 10 a.m. $12 per trip. Try your luck at the casino! Reserve your spot for one or both trips and enjoy a fun-filled day. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 27: Melodies at the Museum at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Thursday, March 27, 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a free concert at the Detroit Institute of Arts featuring local musicians. Experience a perfect blend of music and culture. PanaMO performs; unique fusion of Latin Jazz, Afro-Latin rhythms and original music. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 27: Bingo at The Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Thursday, March 27, 1 p.m. Cost: 25 cents per card. Join friends for an afternoon of Bingo fun! Play for prizes and enjoy a social afternoon after lunch. Register at 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
March 28: OPC 50 Club Welcome Party at the Older Persons’ Commission, 5-8 p.m., $25. An exclusive event for those age 50-59 who recently joined OPC Social & Activity Center. Ticket price includes casino games, strolling dinner, live music and a drink ticket. Sponsored by Chief Financial Credit Union, Cedarbrook Senior Living and Town Village Sterling Heights. Register by calling (248) 659-1029. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org
March 28: Adult Day Service Open House at the Older Persons’ Commission, 11 a.m. to noon. Tour the center and learn more about our safe, and secure program for adults with memory loss, cognitive impairment or physical disabilities. Open to the public. RSVP to Theresa Gill (248) 659-1036 or tgill@OPCcenter.org. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, call (248) 659-1029 or visit OPCcenter.org.
March 28: Memory Café at OPC at the Older Persons’ Commission, 1-2:30 p.m. A welcoming social gathering for individuals affected by memory challenges and their care partners. Some activities include art, music and games with light refreshments provided. Sponsored by Waltonwood Main. Open to the public. RSVP to Theresa Gill (248)659-1036 or tgill@OPCcenter.org. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, call (248) 659-1029 or visit OPCcenter.org.
March 28: Visually Impaired Group at the Older Persons’ Commission, from 10-11:30 a.m. Support group providing information, socialization, support and speakers to those with low vision. Open to the public. Register by calling (248) 608-0246. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit OPCcenter.org.
April 1: Movie Bus Trip to MJR Theater sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Tuesday, April 1.Cost: $3 for transportation; $5 for movie ticket paid on event day (concessions at your cost). Hop on the bus and enjoy a relaxing outing to MJR Theater! The featured film and exact time will be announced closer to the event date. Reserve your spot for a fun-filled day at the movies with friends. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 2: Tea Apothecary at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30 p.m. Learn the art of personalized tea blends! Explore the world of tea by experimenting with unique blends, and creating your own personalized tea bag. This interactive experience is perfect for tea lovers who want to taste, blend, and take home their own signature creation, along with a selection of tea recipes to enjoy at home. Registration required. Call, click, or stop by the library to secure your spot. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
April 2-May 21: Matter of Balance at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court, Wednesdays, April 2 — May 21, from 1-3 p.m. FREE. Falls can be devastating, and the fear of falling can hold you back from enjoying life. This FREE 8-week class is designed for adults 60+ to help improve balance, prevent falls, and build confidence. Learn practical tips, techniques, and mobility exercises to stay active and independent! Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 3: AARP OATS Tech Talk: AI & Disinformation at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Thursday, April 3, at 1 p.m. FREE. Seeing isn’t always believing! Deepfakes and cloned voices are everywhere. Learn how to spot digital deception and protect yourself from AI-generated scams. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 5: Our Birds Go Home: Incubating Part Two at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Saturday, April 5 at 1 p.m. Join us as we send our birds back to their home! We will learn all about the birds and where they’re going while giving them a little extra love. Registration required! Click, call, or stop by the library to sign up. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
April 8: Craft with Jess at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Tuesday, April 8 at 11 a.m. FREE. Get creative with Jess from the Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities! Enjoy a fun morning of crafting and conversation. No experience needed—just bring your enthusiasm! Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 8: Tuesday, April 8 at 10:30 a.m. The Birmingham Metropolitan Women’s Club presents at their monthly luncheon, Dave Gakure, education specialist, Detroit Zoo. Dave is also the trip leader at the Detroit Zoological Society in Royal Oak & the zoo on Belle Isle. This presentation will be followed by lunch. Program held at the Iroquois Club, 43248 Woodward Ave., Bloomfield Twp. Lunch & program $34. You do not have to be a member to give us a try. Reserve your place by calling Chris at 248-303-7339.
April 9: April Birthday Lunch at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Wednesday, April 9 at noon. If you’re celebrating a birthday in April, enjoy a complimentary lunch on us. Join friends and community members for a special meal and good company. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 10: Pheasants of Detroit Staff Group Leader, Director, Scott Jennex at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Thursday, April 10, from 9 a.m. to noon. $15. Ring-necked pheasants are thriving in Detroit, creating a fascinating human-pheasant subculture! Join us for a documentary short about these unique city birds, followed by a guided walk at Milliken State Park to spot resident pheasants. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 10: Shelby Gardeners present Jennifer Ott, Shelby Gardeners member and My Thyme Gardens owner, Weeds: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly — Deadheading and Recipe Share. Program held at Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center, 4101 River Bends Dr., Shelby Twp. Programs are from 1-2 p.m. $5 admission. For more information, call Ivy Schwartz, publicist, at 586-873-3782.
April 11: Michigan Central Station Tour — Bus departs from Walmart, 45400 Marketplace, Clinton Twp at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, April 11. Discover the rich history and incredible transformation of Michigan Central Station on this 90 -minute guided tour. Enjoy stories of its grandeur, decline and rebirth, while learning about the continuing restoration process. Breakfast/brunch will be at Frank’s On The Avenue in St. Clair shores.The meal is NOT included in the price of the trip. You will be on your own and will order off the menu. Tickets are very limited. Please register soon. Cost $67. Register online at www.lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
April 14: Lunch Bunch Trip: Filippa’s Restaurant sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Monday, April 14, Depart at 11:30 a.m. $7 bus fee, lunch paid separately. Join us for a delicious lunch at Filippa’s. Enjoy great food and company on this fun outing. Transportation provided for just $7. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 14: Lunch & Learn: Life Insurance at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Monday, April 14 at 11:15 a.m. Learn the importance of life insurance and how it can protect you and your loved ones. Enjoy a complimentary lunch while gaining valuable insight into planning for the future. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 17: Easter Luncheon & Bingo at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Thursday, April 17 at noon. $6. Celebrate Easter with a delicious luncheon, followed by Bingo at 1 PM! Reserve your spot early for this fun-filled holiday event. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 18: AARP OATS Tech Talk: Everyday Uses of AI at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Friday, April 18 at 1 p.m. FREE. AI is changing the world, but did you know it’s already a part of your daily life? Join us to explore practical ways AI is used every day! Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 19: The Great Puzzle Swap at the Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse, Ste. A, Harrison Twp. on Saturday, April 19 from noon to 2 p.m. Have any new or gently used puzzles that you’d like to trade? Stop by the library between Tuesday, April 1 and Tuesday, April 15 to drop them off. For each puzzle you donate, you’ll receive a ticket. On April 19, we’ll host The Great Puzzle Swap, where you can select one new puzzle per ticket you received. Any remaining puzzles will be available for sale from 2:30-5 p.m. the same day. For more information, call 586-329-1261.
April 21: Movie at the Library sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Monday, April 21, 1 p.m. at the Library. FREE. Enjoy a FREE movie screening with complimentary popcorn. Relax and enjoy a great film with friends. Movie TBD. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 24: Casino Trips: Hollywood Casino sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Thursday, April 24 & Friday, April 25, Depart at 10 AM. $12 per trip. Try your luck at Hollywood Casino! Enjoy a day of gaming, dining, and entertainment. Transportation provided for $12 per trip. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 25: Join us for Coffee & Donuts at the DSO “Women Rock” — Bus departs from Walmart, 45400 Marketplace, Clinton Twp at 9:15 a.m. on Friday, April 25. This is the set list of legends. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra and special guests perform rock hits by Carole King, Janis Joplin, Aretha Franklin, Pat Benatar, Tina Turner, and more, including “What’s Love Got To Do With It,” “Proud Mary,” “Piece Of My Heart,” “Love Is A Battlefield,” and “Flashdance.” Cost $75. Register online at www.lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
April 28: PACE Southeast Michigan Presentation at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Monday, April 28 at 1 p.m. at the Senior Center. For those 55+ with chronic health conditions or disabilities, PACE Southeast Michigan provides coordinated care to help you stay in the home and community you love. Learn about their services and how they can support you or a loved one. Drop in or Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 29: AARP OATS Tech Talk: Intro to Social Media sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Tuesday, April 29 at 4 p.m. at the library. FREE. Curious about social media? This class introduces you to popular platforms and how to use them safely to stay connected with friends and family. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 30: FREE Health Screenings at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Wednesday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Join Epic Health for free 10-minute appointments offering blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen level screenings. Learn practical health tips, receive educational handouts, and take charge of your wellness. Register: 248.589.0334 or recreation.cityofclawson.com.
April 30: Join us for the heartfelt musical production of “The Rat Pack Lounge” plus lunch prior to the show at Alfoccino’s in Auburn Hills. Bus departs from Walmart, 45400 Marketplace, Clinton Twp. at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30. Register online at www.lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
May 1 & 2: AARP Driver Safety Course sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. at the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Date: Thursday, May 1 & Friday, May 2. $20 Member/$25 NonMember Improve your driving skills and stay safe on the road with this AARP Driver Safety Course. Ideal for seniors looking to refresh their knowledge and maintain confidence behind the wheel. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
MAY 4-9: Land of Lincoln/Route 66 Tour, sponsored by Macomb Bloomin’ Sunflowers Garden Group. Take an unforgettable journey along a portion of legendary Illinois Route 66 with visits to Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, Home, and Tomb in Springfield, Illinois and Route 66 attractions along with unique stops in the Quad Cities area along the Mississippi River with a paddlewheel boat cruise, beautiful gardens, John Deere Pavilion/Store, Isabel Bloom Cement Sculpture Studio, Antique Archaeology (home of TV series American Pickers), Lombard Lilac Festival, and much more. Cost is $1,149 double occupancy that includes motorcoach transportation, accommodations, many meals, and admissions/tours. For more information, call 586-795-4601.
May 14: Meadow Brook Show: The Rat Pack Lounge & Lunch at Kruse & Muer sponsored by the Clawson Senior Center at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court on Wednesday, May 14. Depart at 11:30 a.m., Show at 2 p.m.. Cost: $86. Frank, Dean, and Sammy are back—for one night only! In The Rat Pack Lounge, these legendary entertainers get a second chance to make things right. Enjoy classic hits like “My Way” and “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” in this unforgettable show. Includes lunch at Kruse & Muer. Register at 248.589.0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
Monthly events
• Chair Drumming: Second Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Cost is $5 per drop-in class. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or online at recreation.cityofclawson.com.
• The Birmingham Metropolitan Women’s Club: Meets the second Tuesday of the month at the Iroquois Club, 43248 Woodward Ave., Bloomfield Twp. at 10 a.m. for lunch & informative speakers. We are a friendly group of 50+ women who gather for friendship, informative programs & philanthropic activities in our community. Visit before becoming a member. The cost for the luncheon & program is $32. To make a reservation, call Chris at 248-303-7339. To learn more, visit tbmwc.com
• Learn Spanish at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court, Clawson. Donations welcomed. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Somerset Mall Walking and Shopping: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Depart at 9:45 a.m. from the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court to enjoy a scenic and safe way to support your physical & mental well-being and shop while you are there! Cost $3. Contact dispatch at 248-583-6700 to sign up.
• Yoga for Seniors: At the Fraser Senior Activities Center, 34935 Hidden Pine Dr., Fraser. Friday mornings 10:30am-11:30 a.m. (6-week sessions). Wednesday mornings 11:30-12:30 p.m. (6-week sessions). $26 for members per session, $32 for non-members per session. To register, call 586-296-8483.
• Pickleball Drop in with friends of all ages for a friendly game of pickleball at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court, Clawson. on Mondays, from 1-3 p.m. Cost is $2. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Quilting Group meets every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Clawson Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court, Clawson. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Water Fitness Classes: Mondays & Wednesday, from 11:10 a.m. — noon (times subject to change based on staffing) at L’Anse Creuse North high school located at 23700 Twenty One Mile Rd, Macomb. Cost $5 drop in or punch cards available for $50 — payment accepted poolside or online and bring your receipt. Register online at Lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
• Quilting Group: Meets every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 5/6. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Let’s meet up to discuss the latest topics and ask questions in a friendly environment. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Pick Your Play: Thursdays at 12:45 p.m. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Play Kings in the Corner, Hand & Foot, Farkle, whatever you like. Bring a friend and have some fun. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Did you want to learn to play piano, guitar or ukulele? What about voice lessons? We offer beginner classes for youth and adults: Visit our website to see all of the music lessons we offer. Lessons take place at Kawai studios and rental instruments are available for rent. Kawai studio is located at 12745 23 Mile Rd, Shelby Twp, MI 48315. Register online at Lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or by calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330
• Current Events Club: meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Let’s meet up to discuss the latest topics and ask questions in a friendly environment. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Fitness 20/20/20: Monday and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Fitness 20/20/20 held at Frederick V Pankow Center — Room 505, 24076 F V Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $96 Register online at Lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
• Chair Exercise: On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Level I at 10:30 a.m.: Seated warm-up, light weights, bands and balance work. Level II at 11:15 a.m.: Low-impact moves. No fee, donations welcome. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Socrates Club: Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Meetup to discuss current events in a relaxed, informal setting. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Zumba Gold at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court at 1:30 p.m. on Mondays with Ivy. Cost is $5 per drop-in class. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Solo-Seniors Group: meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court Meet and mingle with other seniors in this fun social group. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Indoor Walking on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m.at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Meet with friends to walk in the gym. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Mondays and Wednesdays: 9:15-10 a.m.(tentatively starting this Fall/Winter), Water Walking or Lap Swim held at L’Anse Creuse High School North, 23700 21 Mile Rd, Macomb. Walk in $5 a visit or purchase a punch card. Punch cards can be purchased at the pool, online at Lc-ps.ce.eleyo.com or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
• Older Persons’ Commission Membership: Mondays — Thursdays, from 8:30 a.m. — 7:30 p.m.; Friday, from 8:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.; and Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. OPC membership is available at no charge to all residents 50+ of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township. Registration forms are available at OPC or online at opcseniorcenter.org. You must register in person and proof of residency is required. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, call 248-656-1403.
• Pinochle: on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:45 p.m. at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Cost is $1. Price includes prize money for the top three scores. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Chair Yoga: at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays & Thursdays with Melissa or Stephanie at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Come get a great stretch in this class! No fee, but donations are welcome. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Tai Chi: Wednesdays at 10 a.m. with Cheryl at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. Cost is $5 per drop-in class. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Euchre: on Tuesdays at 12:45 .pm. Cost is $1, which includes prize money, at the Clawson Recreation and Senior Center, 509 Fisher Court. For more information, call 248-589-0334 or visit cityofclawson.com
• Confident Communicators Club: Meets monthly for people who seek improving public speaking skills and leadership confidence. This supportive Toastmasters group meets online the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 8-9:30 a.m. Many of our members have gain skills needed to become a better salesperson, grow their business, get promoted, and engage students. Register for any of our meetings to get the Zoom Link -https://confident-communicators-club-meeting.eventbrite.com. Contact our VP Membership to get more information vpm-1196053@toastmastersclubs.org
• Breakfast Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries: Breakfast (3rd Tuesday of each) at 10:30 a.m., Pancake Factory, 13693 23 Mile Rd, NE corner of 23 Mile & Schoenherr, Shelby Twp. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Contact Ellen 586-781-5781.
• Bowling held at Collier Bowl: 879 S Lapeer Rd. (M24), Oxford every Tuesday. Arrive at noon for lane assignments. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Cost is $7.50 for three games, (shoes extra at $2.50). Lunch afterwards optional. Call Joe at 248-693-2454 or Nadine at 248-475-9036.
• New Baltimore Civic Club: Euchre every Thursday at 36551 Main St. (corner of Blackwell) in New Baltimore. Sign in at 6:30 p.m., play at 7 p.m. $10 plus a quarter for each euchre.
• Breakfast every Wednesday: Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Join us at 10 a.m. at Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, 5606 Lapeer Rd., Kimball. Call Rita, 810-334-6287 for more information.
• Senior Card Playing: Come and join a fun group of card players who play a wide range of card games. Everyone brings a snack to share while playing. Free. Mondays from 1-4 p.m. at 35248 Cricklewood Blvd. (Cricklewood Recreation Building). Call 586-725-0291.
• Dancing every Tuesday: at Polish Century Club, 33204 Maple Lane, Sterling Heights. Doors open at 6 p.m. Music from 7-10:30 p.m. Cost is $8 per person with a cash bar. A table is reserved for Widowed Friends. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries Contact Kate at 586-344-3886.
• New Baltimore Senior Club: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This welcoming group of seniors has all sorts of fun. We play bingo, hold luncheons, go on trips, and play cards. Monthly dues, $2. Location 35248 Cricklewood Blvd. (Cricklewood Recreation Building). Call 586-725-0291.
• Zumba Gold: from 10:30-11:30 a.m. every Monday and Wednesd...