Unlucky Louie can tell you how to make a small fortune: You start with a large fortune. Louie has been beating his head against Wall Street for years.
“How’s that diaper-company stock you bought” I asked.
“It touched a new bottom,” Louie sighed.
Louie was declarer at six spades after some odd bidding. He should have had a longer suit for his positive response of two spades. He took dummy’s ace of diamonds and counted one diamond trick, four spades and six clubs. Louie needed a heart trick — before he drew trumps, lest the defense cash diamonds. He led a heart to his queen next.
West won and led another diamond, forcing dummy to ruff. Then Louie had to cash the ace of trumps and overtake the jack, hoping for a 3-3 break, and it wasn’t to be. Down one.
All Louie had to do was lead the king of hearts at Trick Two. If West won and forced dummy to ruff a diamond, Louie could take the A-J of trumps, come to his queen of hearts, draw trumps and run the clubs.
Daily question: You hold: ? K Q 7 5 ? Q 9 4 2 ? J 7 5 ? 5 2. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your partner doubles. The next player passes. What do you say?
Answer: The correct call is one spade, not because your spades are stronger but for anticipation. If the auction turns competitive — say opener rebids two diamonds, and two passes follow — you can bid two hearts next and play at the two level at the major partner prefers.
North dealer
N-S vulnerable
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