A short video released by a influential conservative organization and reposted by Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido claims the campaign of his election opponent, Democrat Christina Hines, has received funds from billionaire George Soros.
CPAC — Conservative Political Action Conference — posted the 1:02 minute video Aug. 20 on X.com (formerly Twitter), alleging Hines is backed by Soros in her attempt to unseat Lucido, though there is no indication Soros has donated to her campaign. Lucido reposted it Aug. 28 on his Facebook page.
Hines said she has not received a campaign donation from Soros or organization, Open Society Policy Center, under the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network, a nonprofit that donates to Democratic political causes as well as charitable causes.
“I have exactly zero contributions from the Soros family,” she says in a message to supporters.
“It’s frustrating to see these lies by people from out of state spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to try to steal an election,” she added in an interview.
She said she has received over 1,500 contributions in raising $225,000 and knocked on thousands of doors in the county.
A check of county campaign contributions does not show any donations from Soros or the Open Society, though that does not preclude the possibility Hines received funds from a political action committee that received funds from Soros.
Campaign finance reports indicate she has received funds from only three political action committees that Hines said are local, although one donation, $1,500, came from an out-of-state PAC, the International Union of Painters & Allied Trades Political Action Together Political Committee based in Maryland.
The X post says, “Around the country, George Soros funds candidates who are dangerous for our communities. The people of Macomb Co. don’t want George Soros picking our leaders.”
The accompanying video ties Hines to “left-wing” Soros’ contribution of “tens of millions of dollars” to elect “soft on crime prosecutors” such as what has happened in Chicago, Baltimore, LA and Ann Arbor, where crime has increased, according to the video.
The video’s narrator goes on to say: “His next big target is the Macomb County Prosecutor’s race in Michigan, with woke Christina Hines as his next big investment. For Soros, electing a liberal prosecutor in Macomb County is a key part of his radical plan to fundamentally change Michigan, and ultimately our country. If Soros-funded Christina Hines is elected, she will bring her woke agenda to Macomb County. Tell your family and friends they should reject anyone funded by George Soros’ billions, including Christina Hines. Our families are too important to buy what Soros and Hines are selling.”
Hines called the video part of concerted anti-semitic attacks by conservative groups on Soros, 94, who is Jewish, and other Jewish people on the claim “rich Jewish people are running the country.”
She noted Lucido has appeared at the annual CPAC gathering of some of the country’s most prominent conservatives the past two years, including once as a panelist in a discussion about Soros.
Despite the criticism of her, Hines thanks CPAC for the video and the X post, which has garnered 3.9 million views, in her note to supporters.
“So thank you, CPAC, for letting us see exactly how scared Pete Lucido is of our grassroots campaign,” she says.
She notes she is a “professional prosecutor,” pointing out she worked as an assistant prosecutor for 10 years in Wayne and Washtenaw counties, “holding violent criminals and sex offenders accountable, and creating programming to prevent crime in our community.” Meanwhile, Lucido has never tried a criminal case in his nearly four years in office and relies heavily on plea deals to resolve cases, she says.
“Pete Lucido’s campaign is built on yard signs and abusing our tax dollars with self-promotion,” she said.
Lucido, who took office in 2021, has touted his efforts to modernize the office, create special units to address certain crime categories and increase efforts to collect delinquent child support payments, among other things. His office collected a record number of National Association of Counties Achievement awards this year for various initiatives and programs.
Hines calls her campaign “grassroots,” as she has drawn donations from nearly 1,500 contributors while Lucido has received donations from 1,200 contributors over the past three years.
“Oh yeah, and I’m going to win in November,” she concludes.
The other two PAC contributions came from the Detroit-based Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters, which donated $5,000, and Pipefitters Local 626 in Troy, which gave $1,000.