Aries: Your belief and trust in others may not be reciprocated. You could have the opportunity to showcase your reliability and highlight your trustworthiness. Stay focused on your goals while being sure to minimize distractions.

Taurus: Be proactive about doing small acts of kindness for others as it may have a big impact on their lives. Acting on your instincts could bring joy to others and reinforce relationships that you’re looking to strengthen.

Gemini: Let generosity dictate your upcoming decisions; offer grace and understanding to everyone, including yourself. Your positive attitude could cultivate relationships with people who may lend a helping hand.

Cancer: A friendly face may be just who you need in your corner this week. Be mindful that someone who may initially seem unapproachable could have a lot of knowledge to share. Surround yourself with uplifting and supportive people.

Leo: You could have the desire to network online or visit friends. You may find pleasure in the simple observation of others. Mixing and mingling in social settings could improve your enjoyment and forge new connections.

Virgo: Embrace the comforting glow of your own light even amid the darkness. You may brighten someone’s day with your loving and kind nature. Spread positive and encouraging words that may uplift and inspire others.

Libra: You may feel called to collaborate with someone who shares your vision. A willingness to work together could lead to you making progress or reaching your goal. Your imagination might compel you to take a chance on a new project.

Scorpio: There’s a world filled with endless possibilities to explore. You may embrace opportunities and invitations in the coming week. Consider demonstrating your generosity behind the scenes and expressing gratitude publicly.

Sagittarius: Friends, meeting new people, and participating in group activities might be the highlights of the week ahead. You might have more fun thanks to who you know, rather than what you know. Lean into your circle.

Capricorn: Small adjustments may be required to get along with some of the people in your life. Your practical skills may be at an all-time high, so use every opportunity to showcase them, even if others don’t completely understand.

Aquarius: Put the power of your enthusiasm on full display. Your imagination may grow by leaps and bounds when you focus on your true passions and interests. Doing more of what you love doing could attract more opportunities.

Pisces: Someone who asks a lot of you or points out errors which slipped your notice may actually be offering you valuable insight. You may come to better understand your own limits. Exploring more of life could lead to you earning more recognition

If May 26 is your birthday: The upcoming four to five weeks could be a good time to make wise decisions, to realize who has your best interests at heart and to reap the rewards of your work. You could receive recognition for setting a good example or for your leadership skills. Some new opportunities or offers may hold the seeds of growth and comfort, so have faith in the best outcomes.

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