Ten former Capitola mayors endorse Jensen

As 10 former mayors of Capitola, we’ve seen firsthand what it takes to lead our community.

That’s why Gerry Jensen is our number one choice for Capitola City Council.

Gerry has proven his leadership time and again. Whether it was raising over $425,000 for the Capitola Wharf Enhancement Project, serving as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission, or leading countless community volunteer efforts, Gerry consistently puts Capitola first. He understands good governance and is committed to holding the city to high standards, making City Hall more accessible for all residents.

Gerry knows we need smart planning for the future. He’s focused on critical issues like expanding housing options, improving transportation, supporting local businesses, and addressing sea level rise. At the same time, he’s committed to improving disaster preparedness and keeping our community safe. His dedication to proactive solutions makes him the leader we need.

This November, we urge you to join us in voting for Gerry Jensen — Capitola’s best choice for a stronger, safer future.

— Gayle Ortiz, Sam Storey, Carin Hanna, Bruce Arthur, Mike Termini, Jacques Bertrand, Stephanie Harlan, Dennis Norton, Mick Routh, Ed Bottorf

Jensen is a ‘local hero’ ready to serve on council

I am writing this letter in support of Gerry Jensen for Capitola City Council. In my almost 24 years of residency in Capitola I have never actively supported a candidate. In this instance, however, I have volunteered with Gerry on several community projects, including: Capitola Wharf Enhancement Project, Capitola Beach Festival, and his “Random Acts of Capitola Kindness.” I have found him to be smart, dedicated, resourceful and solution oriented.

He is well-studied on matters that come before him as a Planning Commissioner, always mindful of the impacts and benefits to the Capitola Community. He understands that Community in this sense includes all those who live and relate to the city on its many levels.

Capitola needs this breath of fresh air. Gerry is a local hero and demonstrates that he is ready to serve as our next City Council member.

— Laurie Hill, Capitola

Orbach plan would remove local input on proposals

Melinda Orbach has engaged the Sentinel to profile her run for a seat on the Capitola City Council. We saw the post on NextDoor about her proposal, if elected, to install a “zoning administrator” to replace our Capitola Planning Commission in order to “streamline” projects. This Sentinel phone interview quotes her saying, “Basically that means any project that is compliant with all the codes, compliant with all the ordinances, it just gets approved. It does not need to go through this long, arduous process through the Planning Commission.” Orbach states that the cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville, and the county all have a zoning administrator for this purpose.

In short, beware that her plan removes public input on any development proposal that staff says meets all zoning requirements. Orbach’s stance eliminates the public from any discussion. Thus, citizens of Capitola will no longer have a say about a proposed development. That is enough to say “no thanks” to her election to our City Council. Don’t vote for her and lose your voice. .

— Lynne Ann DeSpelder, Capitola

Orbach candidacy shows need for district elections

The west side contender (Ed. note: Melinda Orbach) for a seat on the Capitola City Council has highlighted an important issue for the City of Capitola. If the City had district elections, this candidate would not have to compete city-wide for the west side to have a voice on the City Council.

Many cities around California have been forced to go to district elections when sued for lack of diversity in their elected governing body. Some, very unwillingly, finally went to district elections in a failed attempt to defend their plutocracy - witness the City of Santa Clara just over the hill.

— Katherine Harasz, Capitola

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