Paul Theroux had it right when he pronounced January “the season of recovery and preparation.”
With the winter holidays behind us, some have resolved to start fresh and do things a little differently in the new year — maybe eat a little healthier, work more vegetables into the weekly meal plan, or at least choose simpler dishes that make it less of a hassle to get a scrumptious dinner on the table quickly on a weeknight.
These four recipes are a step in that direction, shaking off the winter blues with meals that are as full of flavor as they are easy to pull together.
While they don’t technically meet the criteria for “dump” dinners you can simply toss into a casserole, stock pot or slow cooker without any prep (the cauliflower dish requires roasting the veggies before baking, and the stir-fry involves a lot of chopping), they’re pretty close — and delicious.