Book events
Book Passage: 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera; 415-927-0960; bookpassage.com. March 9: Charlotte McConaghy discusses “Wild Dark Shore” with Nina LaCour. 1 p.m. in person; March 9: Lewis Buzbee discusses “Diver” with San Anselmo resident Nina Schuyler. 4 p.m. in person; March 13: Karen Russell discusses “The Antidote” with Jason Katz. 6 p.m. in person; March 15: Panel event with children’s book authors Erin Deinzer, Sausalito resident Kimberley Lovato and San Rafael resident Maxine Schur, moderated by Ruth Carlson. 10:45 a.m. in person; March 15: She Writes Press panel event with memoirists Barbara Boyle, Leah Fisher, Cynthia Moore and Diane Wheaton. 1 p.m. in person; March 15: John J. Prendergast discusses “Your Deepest Ground.” 4 p.m. in person; March 16: Gary Krist discusses “Trespassers at the Golden Gate.” 4 p.m. in person.
Dominican University of California: Angelico Hall, 20 Olive Ave., San Rafael; dominican.edu/events/rick-steves-hippie-trail. March 15: Rick Steves discusses “On the Hippie Trail.” 7 p.m. in person. $36 ticket includes book. Register online.
Jewish American Fiction Book Club: nuevodavos@yahoo.com. March 12: The Jewish American Fiction Book Club discusses “Ain’t No Grave” with author Mary Glickman. 7 p.m. online. Email Davo Knepler at nuevodavos@yahoo.com for the Zoom link.
Mill Valley Public Library: 375 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-389-4292; millvalleylibrary.org. March 10: Memoir-writing panel with authors Penny Lane, Susannah Kennedy and Lynda Beth Unkeless. 6:30 p.m. in person. Register online.
Sausalito Books by the Bay: 100 Bay St., Sausalito; 415-887-9967; sausalitobooksbythebay.com. March 13: Mary Naples discusses “Unsung Heroes.” 6 p.m. in person; March 16: Tribute to Sausalito author Jackie Kudler with local poets reading her work. 4 p.m. in person.
Other talks
Belvedere Tiburon Library: 1501 Tiburon Blvd., Tiburon; 415-789-2665; beltiblibrary.org. March 12: Jon Haveman discusses the economics of U.S. health care. 6 p.m. in person. Register online.
Horizons Foundation: 415-398-2333; horizonsfoundation.org. March 12: North Bay community town hall on LGBTQ+ rights. 5 p.m. on Zoom. Register online.
Novato City Hall: 901 Sherman Ave., Novato; 415-899-8900; novatohistory.org. March 15: Marin historian Dewey Livingston discusses “Billboards, Bars and Motels: 1950s Roadside Marin” at the Novato Historical Society event. 10 a.m. in person.
San Rafael Pop-Up Library: 1009 Fourth St., San Rafael; 415-485-3323; srpubliclibrary.org/events. March 13: Marin Master Gardener Peter Norton discusses how to help monarch butterflies thrive in Marin. 11 a.m. in person.
— Compiled by Daniel Bromfield
The literary calendar appears Sundays. Email listings to calendar@marinij.com. Photos should be 300 dpi JPGs with a minimum file size of 2 megabytes and should include caption information.