Dear Heloise: Connie S., from Pocatello, Idaho, wrote to you about her husband being absolutely certain that lima beans are poisonous. You were absolutely correct that they are not poisonous and are a good source of fiber, manganese, copper and iron, as well as other nutritional elements.

I’m wondering if perhaps Connie’s husband was confusing lima beans with castor beans. According to the National Institute of Medicine, “castor beans contain ricin, one of the most toxic substances known. They may cause an acute and potentially fatal gastroenteritis. Delayed visceral damage is another serious complication; however, the latter is quite rare. The toxicity is dose related and depends on the amount of castor beans ingested.”

I enjoy reading your column, which is printed daily in the Redlands Daily Facts.

— Holly C., in Redlands

Holly, thanks so much for writing! Readers, please note: Never eat raw, uncooked lima beans. They can and will have a toxic affect on you.

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: I always read with interest the do’s and don’ts of washing makeup off at night. Science is science, but we are all different, so we have to decide our own process for ourselves.

I met my husband on a blind date when I was 33. My home was on his way to work, so he would stop by and have coffee with me. I was busy getting my teenage daughters up for school and getting myself ready for work, so I had to cut “time corners” somewhere. I stopped washing my makeup off at night so that I had some on in the morning. It wasn’t much, but it did the trick.

I am now almost 81 and have been with my husband for almost 48 years. He says that I look just fine with or without makeup, and no one can believe my age because I have very few winkles.

So, we are all different, and I would caution women to use very mild cleanser — not soap — on their faces. Stay out of the sun and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

It also helps to marry a great guy.

— Nancy L., Simi Valley

Nancy, I consulted with two dermatologists and the representative of a major cosmetic manufacturer, and all three said to never sleep in your makeup. When you sleep on your side, you grind makeup into your skin, along with any dirt or perspiration that you picked up during the day. By the end of the week, your pillowcase has stale makeup and bacteria on it.

Yes, we are all different, but washing your face with a mild soap and water to remove makeup and dirt is still the best habit to get into before bedtime.

You should cut time corners in other ways.

— Heloise

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