I am a junior high school student and planning on starting my college applications over the summer. But one question I am concerned about has me stumped. Who do I choose as recommenders? What advice do you have when it comes to selecting a teacher to write my evaluations?


A Junior

Dear Junior,

Choose a teacher who appreciates your abilities to write your college recommendation.

Selecting the right individual to write your college recommendation can make a significant difference in how admissions committees perceive your application. It’s not just about finding someone who can provide generic praise; rather, it’s about choosing someone who genuinely appreciates your abilities and can offer unique insights into your character, achievements, and potential for success.

As you embark on this crucial aspect of the college application process, consider the following factors when selecting a teacher to write your recommendation:

Personal Connection: Look for a teacher with whom you have developed a strong personal connection. This could be someone whose class you excelled in, with whom you shared common interests, or who served as a mentor or advisor in extracurricular activities.

Subject Matter Expertise: Ideally, choose a teacher who taught a subject related to your intended major or academic interests. Their endorsement will carry more weight if they can speak to your aptitude and passion for the field you plan to pursue in college.

Observation of Growth: Seek out a teacher who has known you for an extended period and has witnessed your growth and development over time. They will be able to provide a more comprehensive assessment of your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success.

Specific Examples: Consider selecting a teacher who can provide specific examples of your accomplishments, contributions, and character traits. Admissions committees value concrete evidence that demonstrates your abilities and potential.

Compatibility with College Culture: Think about the type of college environment you are applying to and choose a teacher whose recommendation aligns with the values and expectations of that institution. For example, if you are applying to a liberal arts college that emphasizes creativity and critical thinking, select a teacher who can speak to your intellectual curiosity and innovative thinking.

Availability and Willingness: Ensure that the teacher you choose is willing and able to write a thoughtful and timely recommendation on your behalf. Consider their workload, commitments, and any potential conflicts that may arise during the application season. A teacher may have coaching, academic competitions or other commitments. The earlier you ask for recommendations the better.

Once you’ve identified a potential recommender, take the time to approach them thoughtfully and respectfully. Schedule a meeting to discuss your college plans, academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and future goals. Share with them why you believe they would be an ideal choice to write your recommendation and express your gratitude for their support.

During the meeting, provide your recommender with any relevant materials that will help them write a strong recommendation, such as your resume, a list of your accomplishments, and specific anecdotes or examples of your character and achievements. Be open to answering any questions they may have and offer to provide additional information or clarification if needed.

Finally, remember to follow up with a sincere thank-you note after your recommender has submitted their recommendation. Acknowledge their time, effort, and support, and let them know how much you appreciate their assistance in your college application journey.

Choosing a teacher who appreciates your abilities and can provide a personalized and insightful recommendation is crucial to presenting a compelling application to colleges. By approaching the selection process thoughtfully and respectfully, you can ensure that your recommendation highlights your strengths, accomplishments, and potential for success in college and beyond.

Gerald Bradshaw is an international college admissions consultant with Bradshaw College Consulting in Crown Point.