Aries: History tends to repeat itself. Consider sharing examples of your past successes to build trust and increase your earnings. Your credit score or other bonafides can be seen as proof of your reliability and commitment to honoring agreements.

Taurus: You may attract someone who seems exciting but at the same time there might be numerous differences that could eventually pull you apart. Perhaps, focus on forming genuine friendships and spending your money on things of good taste.

Gemini: Being energetic and enthusiastic may come naturally. Staying dedicated to your tasks could earn you positive recognition. Sometimes being the last one to leave at the end of the day can show loyalty, but not at the cost of your wellbeing.

Cancer: Don’t act on impulses and passing whims based on emotions. Be mindful of what you truly want for your life and where you see yourself in the future. Using good judgment and commitment might lead to increasing your bank balance.

Leo: You may not always get what you want, but you should get what you need. You may connect with people who might help you achieve your goals or who share your vision for the future. Consider treating yourself to the finer things in life.

Virgo: Social gatherings and community events could be on your agenda. Spend quality time with loved ones or invite a friend over for a shared hobby or mutual interest. Even if you disagree with something, learn to tolerate differing opinions.

Libra: Don’t be alarmed or take it personally if someone acts like a bull in a China shop. Their energetic but misguided actions might cause some irritation, but things will eventually settle down and work out. Focus your attention on your goals.

Scorpio: Learn to filter out information that may be irrelevant and you can do better at handling multiple streams of facts at the same time. It’s essential to distinguish between what deserves your attention and what is simply background noise.

Sagittarius: The gentle flow of a new passion might falter when it meets the depths of true love. It may be wiser to opt for friendship. You might sense that someone is trying to change a situation solely to benefit their best interest.

Capricorn: Disregard minor acts of selfishness. You can be economical while still being generous with your time and talents. By exercising caution and working behind the scenes, you might gain bigger and more significant rewards.

Aquarius: Sometimes you might be able to improvise, but other times you need to plan carefully. If your intuition tells you that a financial matter requires closer inspection, take the time to investigate before making irreversible decisions.

Pisces: Instead of going in circles over a minor issue, move on to something else. A positive shift in attitude could help you spot an innovative idea or solution. Prioritize being a good friend in both platonic and romantic relationships.

IF OCTOBER 9 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The “one for all, all for one” attitude could help to get you safely through the upcoming two to three weeks when you might crave more than you can handle. Proving how intelligent you can be about skillsets and money might seem essential, but you also want to fit into your community. Pay attention to your fantasies and romantic visions in early November when a weekend getaway or mental escape into a fascinating study could inspire new and worthy ideas. Consider making your dreams a reality by starting something in late November and early December. This could potentially be a good time to make beneficial and wise decisions that may lead to contentment, profit and financial security. Your judgment might be better than usual and opportunities for advancement may appear. Consider living out a few of your fantasies as you enjoy creature comforts before January when achieving your ambitions becomes a priority.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency