What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

What have we become as a nation when we have to station troops in the Capitol just to swear in an incoming president? Or when our citizens won’t all wear a mask for the common good of ridding ourselves of a pandemic? Where is the America that used to just agree to disagree and move on? This “boomer” is really saddened to see the level that we’ve fallen to.

Don’t ever forget that these followers were radicalized by Trump,the GOP, and right-wing media. Now everyone is in danger because of their rhetoric.

Alabama Sen. Tommy Tubervillehas said that Joe Biden’s inauguration should wait until “COVID is behind us.” Any other bright ideas?

Rokita, Young, Braun, Holcomb. So embarrassed to be a Hoosier. They do not represent this 62-year-old Hoosier. Thank goodness for new U.S. Rep. Mrvan.

Donald Trump clearly orchestratedan attempted overthrow of our government so he could remain in power. Apparently a majority of congressional Republicans do not care if Trump becomes a dictator as long as he is their dictator. Every one of them that suggests the election was a fraud needs to be censured or removed from office.

After Trump incited a mob to attack our Capitol, a growing number of businesses are cutting ties with the Trump Organization. They are confusing cancel culture with consequence culture.

Kyle Rittenhouse, out on bail, was drinking beer, flashing white power signs at a bar,and had adult men sing the Proud Boys anthem to him. What a nice way to glorify an 18-year-old kid out on bail for murder.

The federal government states they have issued over 10 million vaccine doses, yet only half that many shots have been given. What’s the hold up? Why the long lines? They report vaccine sitting in storage and not being used.

It’s amazing how the GOP only screams election fraud when they lose. When voter suppression, voter intimidation, and gerrymandering don’t work for them, the only thing left is to scream fraud. Maybe if they expended this much energy coming up with policies that would help all Americans, they wouldn’t have to cheat to win.

Once Trump leaves officehe has an opportunity to live in peace and harmony for the rest of his life. He could move to Russia and enjoy life with his good buddy.

How do you spell RELIEF? Jan. 20, 2021, 12 p.m.

I agree with Friday’s writer that the TV page should be changed back to show listings of TV programs for that day/evening. You can always add some of these “what to watch” items. But most of us like the listing of TV programs since the paper stopped having a TV guide years ago. Thank you.

How is it possiblethat someone needs to get their TV listings from a newspaper? Does this TV still have rabbit ears?

Wouldn’t it be niceif you did not have to spend minutes scanning your scratch off to claim the prize. It’s like the state does not want to pay you your winnings.

The stench in the air after Trump leaves office will linger I fear. EPA are you listening?

Why can’t men find anything in the fridge, pantry, garage? I know I bought it; I know it’s in there. The garage? You say that is your domain.

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