Each answer is a word that contains a silent “h.” (e.g., High respect, recognition or esteem. Answer: Honor.)

Freshman level

1. A common unit of time.

2. A group of people who sing together.

3. A reflected sound.

Graduate level

4. A heavy object used to keep a boat in one place.

5. One who receives property from an ancestor.

6. The apparent spirit of a dead person.

Ph.D. level

7. Always telling the truth and never cheating.

8. A state of utter confusion.

9. A collection of historical documents or records.

Answers: 1. Hour. 2. Choir. 3. Echo. 4. Anchor. 5. Heir. 6. Ghost. 7. Honest. 8. Chaos. 9. Archive.

— North America Syndicate