If you remember the nuns with rulers from your childhood Catechism class, or if you’ve ever been a part of a family, a new play at the Theatre at the Center will feel familiar.
Theatre at the Center in Munster presents Tom Dudzick’s semi-autobiographical play “Over the Tavern” July 11 to Aug. 11. Performances are 2 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. Fridays; 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturdays; and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. It is recommended for ages 12 and over.
The action takes place in 1959 in Buffalo, New York. It centers on the Pazinski family, who live above the family’s neighborhood bar. The 12-year-old son, Rudy (Logan Baffico), is about to receive the sacrament of Confirmation when he begins questioning the rules and teachings of the Catholic Church.
Janet Ulrich Brooks stars as the ruler-wielding Sister Clarissa, who’s been charged with teaching Rudy. She appeared at Theatre at the Center last summer as Ann Landers in “The Lady with All the Answers,” a role for which she received a Jeff Award nomination.
“I had such a good time. The people were lovely and the audiences were great,” she said. “It was just a real good experience working there.”
She likes playing different characters to gain other perspectives on the world, she said. For example, playing Sister Clarissa gives her a completely different perspective than she’s had before, Brooks said.
“It’s about the time before the cultural shift of the ’60s,” she said. “Everybody in the family is kind of questioning where they are in their faith. It’s a comedy but it’s also kind of interesting because now I think there might be some things we kind of laugh-cringe at.”
For example, at one point in time getting whacked by a nun with a ruler was a shared experience.
“Now, we’re in a place in our society where we question those kinds of tactics,” she said. “And I think we’re questioning our faith. And it brings down the basic question, why are we here?”
Rudy questions Sister Clarissa during Catechism class.
“One of the questions is, why did God make us? And he questions that,” she said. “She doesn’t want him to question the answer to that. And he’s like, ‘Well, I think we should have fun.’”
When Sister Clarissa visits the Pazinski household, disaster strikes and Rudy saves the day. That’s also when Rudy’s mother witnesses the corporal punishment her son is receiving at the hands of the nun.
“It’s one thing to know that that’s happening in school, it’s another thing to see it and then have it happen in your own home,” Brooks said. “If you just say the things that happen in the play, it sounds like it’s going to be very dramatic and sad. It is a comedy, but it is a very poignant comedy. In the second act, the nun is the one who changes the most. Every character changes in some way through the story and I think that’s another reason why it’s so popular … you can find yourself in the story.”
Even if you weren’t raised Catholic — which she wasn’t, she said.
“It’s a play about faith and family and what’s most important — why are we here,” she said.
Despite growing up Methodist, she doesn’t think playing a nun is going to be any more of a challenge than any other role, she said.
“Probably the hardest thing is going to be being in all that garb,” she quipped. “I had it on for the photo shoot and I was like, ‘Wow, this is warm. No wonder they were crabby.’”
Her husband, Paul Brooks, grew up Catholic so she’s heard plenty of stories. His sister, actress Peggy Roeder, actually played the role of Sister Clarissa before and assured her she would have a wonderful time.
“Here’s the part that’s going to be hard — containing myself,” she said. “I like that she changes. I think the hardest part is going to be disciplining the student physically. There has to be a balance — she can’t just appear abusive. She doesn’t mean to be abusive. She believe these tactics are the things needed in order for the children to learn. They’re saving souls, is the belief.”
She thinks audiences will enjoy the play.
“I think they’re going to laugh and then they’re going to question why they laugh,” she said. “Or they’ll remember things and it’s always good to remember where we came from and how we got to where we are now. I think it’s going to spark a lot of conversations for people. It’s very family-oriented. There are so many lovely moments. There are some hilariously funny moments. There are some beautiful tender moments. I think everybody will leave with their hearts full.”
‘Over the Tavern’