This isn’t the Covina Valley Unified School District that I know. It’s changed, for the worse. But now, we have an opportunity in the upcoming school board election to reestablish ourselves as a great school district.

I am one of the few people who can claim to have been in the Covina Valley district for nearly my entire life. First, as a student in kindergarten to graduating from Covina High. After, I have spent three decades serving this community, as a teacher, coach and athletic director in the district. For most of that time, I have loved everything about Covina — the city, schools, people, businesses.

Covina has always had a certain hometown pride and family atmosphere that everyone who came here said was special. But now we are at a place where change is needed.

In recent years, the family feeling and welcoming school district culture has vanished. It’s not the same. The district leadership is noticeably hostile or standoffish. It appears they care less about staff, and more about sowing division internally, and among students and parents. Morale is down, and people are intimidated from speaking up.

This district leadership has shown a lack of fiscal responsibility, and have needlessly wasted money, which could be better spent on learning and kids. Take for example, the money spent for the annual district start of the year meeting. District leadership spent $21,500 for the speaker, $13,460 for the speaker’s required drum sticks, $30,000 for required painting at the location and $7,500 for buckets posing as drums. The union estimates this event will ultimately cost the district approximately $200,000. The current leadership wants this type of event to happen every year, or every other year, but I’m certain most people realize $200,000 is better spent in other places.

This is one of the many reasons I can no longer stay quiet. Something has to change.

The first opportunity for change is in the election in November. There are three out of the five seats open for the school board. The three incumbents all signed off on the needless spending and negative choices that leadership has taken. Although a couple of these incumbents were previously endorsed by the teachers union, that is no longer the case. Our union has had enough of this current group. Current board members have sold out to the district leadership and become complacent. They are unwilling to have discussions with community leaders, their constituents and teachers. They limit communication with other school leaders and are out for their own personal agendas, seeking political ladders to climb. Fortunately, we have capable new candidates running for these positions. These three new candidates will be a trigger to change and bring back what we all love about Covina Valley Unified.

We’re done dealing with tense contract negotiations, a near teachers strike two years ago and the feeling of us against them on almost every issue that comes up in the district. What happened to our leadership working with teachers and parents and staff to do what is best for students? That’s what we used to be about. That’s what we need to get back to.

It’s time for new blood and a new board with a new vision to hold the superintendent and district leadership accountable. We cannot continue on the same path of poor performance, needless spending, lower attendance and continued legal issues. I hope this message will impact residents to vote. I’m hoping the trust I’ve built over these last 45 years within the Covina community provides weight and value. I would not speak out unless change was needed. This is an important election nationally, but locally, this election will affect our community and kids for the next decade. Do what is necessary and become informed.

Kevin Glaspy is a Covina Valley teacher and coach.