Aries: Don’t judge a book by its cover. A close friend might unintentionally say the wrong thing or feel awkward in intimate settings. You may need to overlook flaws and learn to cherish the things that create special moments.

Taurus: You won’t need to attend a formal event or have a fancy invitation to be the life of the party. Permanent devotion may be your goal so having a few more friends may be great but may not satisfy your craving for deep intimacy.

Gemini: Successful negotiations may require a willingness to share the benefits or profits. The week could end on a positive note if you focus on the many reasons to be grateful. Take a moment to appreciate what brings love into your life.

Cancer: Optimism is helpful, but you need to have talents too. It might be wise to remain prepared for the unexpected and ready to adjust your plans on short notice. Competing with the people who should be your allies could cause setbacks.

Leo: You might be focused on achieving your dreams and financial security. Discussions and brainstorming could be highly productive. You may feel called to openly share your most profound insights about people and investments.

Virgo: If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Persistence could pay off, so don’t give up if something does not go your way. Even if you receive positively sounding news, consider having a serious and respectful discussion to address the details.

Libra: A pat on the back doesn’t mean everything is finished and ready to go. It could be a good idea to double check before you go ahead and act on someone’s assurances. Someone might sugar coat the truth or urge you to make extravagant deals.

Scorpio: Spend your hard-earned money wisely. Be careful as economic or emotional indicators might be overly optimistic. It could be wise to gather expert advice before you make crucial decisions, sign contracts, or make purchases.

Sagittarius: Others might mistake friendliness for flirtation. They could interpret advice or genuine interest as a sign that you may be interested when you’re just being yourself. Consider taking a look to find common ground.

Capricorn: Enthusiastically launch projects or deepen your research studies that may have been long forgotten. Once you take inspired steps forward, your passion and persistence could propel you forward until you have reached your goals.

Aquarius: Teaming up with the right partner might be the key to making your latest project a success. Discussing future goals might ignite your ambitions and motivate you to take appropriate action. Spend time in places that support your intentions.

Pisces: Take the time to understand a competitor and they could become an ally. You might have a secret admirer that notices things about you that you don’t openly share. Make a good impression by being understanding.

If Sept. 20 is your birthday: During the upcoming three to four weeks your happiness may fluctuate with discontent. Circumstances might incline you to feel you need to pick up the pace and swim as fast as you can just to keep your head above water. You might rely on friends to help keep you afloat and in the loop.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency