What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

Last week, 134,000 children, who can’t be vaccinated, contracted COVID from adults who refuse to vaccinate. 24 percent of the children are hospitalized. Some will die and many will have lifelong medical problems. You are a disgrace for your actions of refusing vaccines. Not only for your fellow man, but to our future generations.

All of this complaining about the road closures and improvements in Winfield is silly. Talk to other towns that have roads full of potholes and one lane roads and then consider yourself lucky.

Crown Point spent $59,900 to address the parking issue in the square. The problem is really simple when you have too many business and no parking spaces. Everyone knows that and it’s free. Strip malls are the answer and not overcrowding the center of town.

Indiana is considered to be one of the handful of Republican-dominated states considering adopting the “Texas Model” of restrictive laws on abortion, where citizens are encouraged to file civil, and profitable, lawsuits against their fellow citizens. What’s else is coming at us from Texas by way of Republicans in Indianapolis? Open carry of weapons without a permit? Extreme voter suppression measures? Laws against teaching about race relations in our schools? These are dark days for our nation right now as conservatives move to erase more than three-quarters of a century of progress in social issues.

The Mexican Supreme Court has ruled that restrictions criminalizing abortion violate the Mexican constitution. In other words, we now know for a fact that Mexico is more civilized than Texas, and their Supreme Court is more civilized than ours.

What, pray tell, is it about Donald Trump that compelled you say that he was the “closest thing to the Lord that many of us ever experience”? Is it the serial adultery? The non-stop lying? The middle school name-calling? Attacking everyone who dares to disagree with him regardless of how loyal they were previously? The way he called COVID a hoax while people were dying left and right? The way federal help in the midst of a crisis was contingent upon kissing his ring? Inquiring minds want to know!

When I was young, back in the 1960s, they would show film clips of Adolf Hitler giving speeches to what seemed like hundreds of thousands people. His audience was very orderly and very enthusiastic. It appeared that he had transformed them into an obedient, civilian zealot army. I asked my father that if Hitler was so evil, why was he so adored. My dad told me, “He lied and tricked them. He promised them what they wanted to hear”.

The Trump-loving Quickly grouch is chortling that all these people are going to lose their unemployment benefits, this after losing their jobs because of Trump’s incompetent response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Celebrating that children will go without food, people will not be able to pay their rent and will end up on the streets — oh, what fun. This tells you all you need to know about the character of the people who love and support the Great God Trump. Oh, sorry, make that the “Closest Thing to the Lord” Trump.

There are two major ways to fight bad politics. One is through the ballot box. The other is nature or health and nature. We all understand the power of votes. Democrats are in power because of the Georgia vote. Additionally, we have discovered during this pandemic and Hurricane Ida that when politicians try to implement irresponsible laws or ‘drag their feet’ on issues, the public or nature will push back with astonishing fervor. School administrators have ignored governors’ no-mask mandates. Governors are moving slow or not at all on issuing sanctions. They are caught in the middle of Trumpism and counting potential votes that may come from school communities! Also, while Congress is fighting over an infrastructure bill, Ida has already guaranteed money to several states in support of their rebuilding efforts. Did you ever think that health and nature could get done in days what Congress can’t get done in years?

Fred Lowry, a Florida councilman known for spouting QAnon garbage and pushing COVID-19 hoax rhetoric, is hospitalized for COVID-19. Like all the other crackpots who ignored and discredited facts about the virus, when his condition was bad enough he too relied on medical science to save his life. These hypocrites are all the same — they spout their garbage until reality catches up with them.

Well, Donald Trump has moved on from being the President of the United States to being a boxing commentator for the Holyfield vs. Belford fight. Now that is right up his alley.

So Trump the closest to the Lord that you can get? Does this mean we will see a mass conversion of evangelicals over to Trumpgelicals? Trump is probably already making plans to convert his hotels and golf courses to churches so he can claim tax exempt status. Now he really will be a real billionaire.

Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.