Each answer is two words. The second word is “plan.” (e.g., A plan giving comprehensive guidance or instruction. Answer: Master plan.)

Freshman level

1. The strategy to be used in a military engagement.

2. A document filed by a pilot prior to departure.

3. A plan for setting aside money for the time after stopping employment.

Graduate level

4. A hotel plan that includes three meals daily.

5. A plan that can be followed if an original plan is not possible.

6. A hotel plan that provides a full breakfast daily.

Ph.D. level

7. A scale diagram of a room drawn as if seen from above.

8. A program of U.S. economic aid for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe.

Answers: 1. Battle plan. 2. Flight plan. 3. Pension plan (retirement plan). 4. American plan. 5. Contingency plan. 6. Bermuda plan (continental plan). 7. Floor plan. 8. Marshall Plan.

— North America Syndicate