(e.g., The four Gospels describe his life. Answer: Jesus.)

Freshman level

1. The first bishop (or pope) of Rome.

2. He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

3. Joseph’s wife and mother of Jesus.

Graduate level

4. He is also named “Saul of Tarsus.”

5. When he heard of Jesus’ birth he tried to kill the child.

6. She is reported to have been the first person to witness the empty tomb of Jesus.

Ph.D. level

7. This evangelist is said to have been hanged from an olive tree.

8. This Roman presided over the trial of Jesus.

9. He was the preacher who baptized Jesus.

Answers: 1. Saint Peter. 2. Judas Iscariot. 3. Mary. 4. Paul the Apostle. 5. Herod the Great. 6. Mary Magdalene. 7. Luke. 8. Pontius Pilate. 9. John the Baptist.

— North America Syndicate