Dear Heloise: I wanted to write in regarding the letter from Carolyn D., in Pasadena, California, about vinegar and applying it to mosquito bites. I read this, and it reminded me of when I was a child. My grandparents always did this with me, and I did this with my grown children and now my grandkids. I even do this with myself!

Vinegar is great, and it does cure the itching and swelling immediately. It may be an old wives’ tale, but it works. Thank you for all your tips! I read your column every day.

— Loretta, from Colorado


Dear Heloise: I’ve found a life hack that takes a lot of the stress out of life: Never take offense! One of the kindest things you can do is not to take offense when none was intended. One of the meanest things you can do is not to take offense when it was intended. Life is much more peaceful when you ignore perceived slights or insults.

— J.M., in California


Dear Heloise: I read a letter regarding leftovers being frozen in freezer-safe plastic bags, then microwaved. I have been reading multiple articles from medical professionals who are concerned about the use of plastic. Yes, I understand that in this day and age, diminishing plastic use is difficult, if not impossible. The reason being, according to multiple medical reports, is that during autopsies, multiple pieces of nanoplastic are being found in vital organs, blood, etc. This is not good. Another important thing to remember is to never microwave anything in plastic. I do realize the depth of plastic in all of our lives, so this may come as a shock. But nonetheless, it is extremely important to remember. I wish you continued success! Your column is marvelous.

— Jim Shahan, Oak Park


Dear Heloise: With respect to the fellow irate reader about women pushing their own shopping carts, I wanted to give my two cents: Once, when I was grocery shopping with my late mother, she turned down my offer to push her cart because walking on the hard floor of the market hurt her back, but leaning on the cart took the pressure off. Years later, my husband asked if he could start pushing the cart because he had developed the same problem. In both cases, the considerate thing to do was to yield the cart, not push it.

Love your column!

— Kathy S., A Reader in New England


Dear Heloise: I have sprouted avocado pits for years and enjoy the pretty plants that bloom as a result.

Recently, I have been finding pits in mandarin oranges — three last night actually. I’ve since planted several in small containers, and they have sprouted. As they grow, I’ll put them in larger pots. The leaves are shiny and attractive.I had an orange tree that grew to 3 feet before aphids got to it. I think this might be a fun activity for children to do as well.

— C.M., via email

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