What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
No meetings with Russians. Oops. Meetings with Russians. Let me revise my security clearance application. Only that one meeting. Oops. The others count? We talked about, you know, adoption. Oops. Talked about Clinton campaign.
What are we teaching our young people — that if you are rich you don’t have to accept responsibility for anything you do? Where is the outrage? Where are the evangelicals with their judgment of decency and character? Where are the patriots and their love of law and order? Where are the ideals for which they fought? Why has everyone suddenly gone mute to allow this administration to run amok?
In the party that deals in lies, being a dishonest liar doesn’t preclude you from being the president.
With all this concern over Russia’s involvement in our past election, it seems to me to be an excellent time for Hollywood to make a remake of “The Manchurian Candidate.”
What a horrible burden it is to walk around so full of hate every day. It wears you down and people learn to avoid you.
Nobody should be happy about the sudden turn of events in Washington. This is our country, after all. The only saving grace is that anyone trying to harm our fine country will pay the price for their actions. Eventually.
Insurer profits are up this year in Obamacare’s individual exchanges, according to a new report. A sign that the market is stabilizing and that Republican claims of collapse have not come to pass. The GOP will not be happy with this report.
The Trump family thought they were going to the White House to expand their brand and improve their bank balance. Now it’s all about increasing the bank balances for the best defense attorneys. At least there is some job creation.
Have you noticed how Vice President President Mike Pence must have finally grown weary of trying to clean up after the president? He is in clear campaign mode to replace him now.
Domestic violence is such a horrific crime. Battering your spouse in front of your children leaves visible scars and bruises but also lasting memories of this uncontrollable rage. Real men don’t ever hit a woman.
Once again, it will be left to the next Democratic president to clean up after a Republican president’s terrible mess. Why don’t we ever learn?
The GOP keeps decrying these so-called “fake news stories.” Yet they somehow keep turning out to be true.
Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer has repped alleged members of four out of five mafia families; Bonanno, Gambino and Genovese. Lots of perfectly innocent folks hire mafia attorneys.
When partisan loathing reaches a point where you cooperate with hostile foreign states to try to take down the opposing party, it is way past time for that fever to break. Will the Republicans and their media allies finally realize this demonization of Democrats, liberals and the Clintons has long passed the point of madness?
If you think Hillary wasn’t looking for dirt on Trump, you are crazy. I hate how now with all this stuff Trump is doing she is acting all holier than thou, like she would never do anything like this. Oh please, you are a Clinton. You will lie and cheat to get what you want.
I was so happy to hear that the Strack & Van Til families have retained ownership of the family grocery stores. Thank you for providing this area with the best shopping experience!
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