What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

I want to put every business in Indiana on notice.If your employees don’t wear masks and your customers are not social distancing, I won’t spend a penny in your establishment.

Trump on Fox: “I think the concept of chokehold sounds so innocent, so perfect.”

Trump fans have to sign a waiver to attend his next rally. It says they can’t sue if they contract coronavirus. Nobody will sign that. There won’t be anyone attending. Even Trump supporters aren’t that stupid. Or are they?

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will. Intelligent people NEVER fall for this nonsense.

Turning a blind eye to a huge problem does not make it go away. It just makes it get bigger as time goes on.

Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tigerended up inside. Many of Trump’s sycophants are finding this out the hard way.

There is a big difference between the parties. Democrats create programs that help most Americans: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank Consumer Protection Act. The Republicans want to destroy everything that helps all Americans. If it doesn’t help big donors, they are against it.

The nation’s top military officer is now apologizing to his troopsfor allowing himself to be used in a tasteless, political photo-op by a craven president. I wonder what the punishment would be for one of his men if the situation was reversed?

Trump’s claims “he’s the most un-racist man in America.” In light of the fact he chose Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of a race riot that killed 100 black Americans is either a dog whistle to his base or another devious idea from the white supremacist Stephen Miller. Is this making America great? No, as his attacks on the Constitution proves he is not a defender of the truth, nor is he doing his duty to serve ALL of the citizens of this country.

I have come to the conclusion that the people that really love President Trump, have no clue about what is going on in this country. They really don’t know. Their talking points are all the same. They hang on to some imaginary theories that are going to come and clear him of all allegations, just wait, you will see.

Where is Trump going to find black supporters for his rally in Oklahoma?

How are these people that work in this administration not smart enough to know that these idiotic stunts aren’t going to blow up in their faces? Oh yes, nepotism.

Trump’s threatened use of the militaryis just an effort to make himself look like a tough guy, thereby playing to his base, who hang on his every word. This is why he constantly throws out accusations, theories, and threats of action, regardless if any are true or even possible to accomplish. His followers are mesmerized by any statement he makes. Hitler followed the same strategy in the 1930s, but thankfully, unlike Hitler, Trump doesn’t have his own private, brown shirted army to force citizens to adhere to his manifesto.


