
• 28th Street improvements — Pearl to Iris: This project will improve multimodal travel along 28th Street from Pearl to Iris. Northbound 28th and Valmont Road RTD Stop #17992 serving 205 and BOLT routes will be temporarily relocated to just south of the Valmont intersection until Dec. 31.

• 19th Street multimodal improvements: Work will continue to install curb/gutter, sidewalks and buffered bike lanes. 19th will be reduced to one lane with flaggers where work is occurring, until May 30.

• 19th Street and Fourmile Canyon Creek Underpass: Crews will begin replacing the bridge over Fourmile Canyon Creek and construct a bike/pedestrian underpass. Northbound RTD 204 bus stops at Riverside and Upland will be temporarily closed. Work is anticipated to end March 2, 2026.

• 28th and Colorado protected intersection: This project is to install a protected intersection, sidewalk-level protected bike lanes and bus lanes. There will be lane closures where work is occurring, as needed. Expect delays, pedestrian and bike detours when traveling in the area. Work is expected to be completed June 30.

• 63rd waterline replacement: Due to the need to replace two water lines under 63rd Street, lane shifts and a full closure of 63rd between Nautilus and 75th will occur for periods of time through June 30. Work hours are 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

• Pipe rehabilitation: Work will include installing a new slip-lined pipe in February for the Dry Creek No. 2 ditch. Expect shoulder closures on the north and south sides of South Boulder Road during work hours, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., through March 31.

Boulder County

• Colo. 119 safety, mobility and bikeway construction: CDOT will begin work on Colo. 119/Diagonal Highway. This project is anticipated to be completed in spring 2027.

Frederick area

• County Road 5 closure: Claystone Construction is installing a new sanitary sewer main to connect Erie’s Summerfield subdivision to the Erie North Water Reclamation Facility northeast of Highway 52 and East County Line Road. The road closure is WCR 5, between Colo. 52 and WCR 16.5. County Road 3.25 and County Road 7 (Aggregate Blvd.) north of Highway 52 will remain open as detour routes. Work will last until the end of May.


• WCR 7 waterline improvements: The town of Erie is working on the WCR 7 Waterline Improvements project. This project will install a new transmission waterline to secure the future delivery of potable water, impacting approximately 2.7 miles of WCR 7 and requiring significant traffic changes. Expect full closures between WCR 12 and Colo. 52, and single-lane traffic south to Erie Parkway through August.

• Sheridan Parkway and Ridgeview Drive traffic signal installation: Traffic signal installation at Sheridan Parkway and Ridgeview Drive will continue with phased work through April. Expect occasional lane restrictions 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Two-way traffic will remain open during construction.

• WCR 3 bridge replacement: WCR 3 between WCR 12 and Colo. 52 will be closed as part of the WCR 3 bridge replacement project. This project includes the removal of the existing bridge over Sullivan Ditch and installation of a new box culvert designed to support the roadway above and safely carry ditch water beneath. Additional upgrades will improve the roadway and guardrails. During this closure, access will be limited to local traffic only. Through traffic will not be allowed. The project is expected to be completed by April 1.

• Concrete repairs on Arapahoe Road and Nine Mile Entrances: The Town will conduct removal and replacement of concrete on Arapahoe Road and at the entrances off U.S. 287. This warranty repair work is part of the Nine Mile development and is expected to last 3-4 weeks, weather permitting, with all work complete by March 31. Work will take place 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Lane shifts and closures will occur on Arapahoe Road, but the road will remain accessible in both directions. Lane restrictions at the entrances to Nine Mile’s commercial and residential properties off Arapahoe Road may occur, but access will remain open to traffic.

• Erie Parkway closures: Single-lane closures will be in place on Erie Parkway at the east end of the bridge near Montgomery Drive beginning Friday as the town installs a new gas main feed to improve distribution to multiple neighborhoods in Erie. The project involves potholing to expose existing utilities and boring the new gas line under Erie Parkway. Lane closures will occur intermittently in both eastbound and westbound directions as needed, but traffic will remain accessible in both directions at all times. Work hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday, with all traffic control removed daily by 4 p.m.