Aries (March 21-April 19): Expressing yourself isn’t always easy. Rethink the ways you display yourself. Something you normally enjoy about your presentation could suddenly feel unsatisfying. That doesn’t mean you have been doing things wrong, but it could be time for a modern way of showing off.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Sometimes less really is more. Clear away old clutter, whether it’s emotional baggage or something as simple as one too many pairs of jeans in your closet. Eliminate outdated expectations. If you’ve outgrown certain things, don’t allow them to keep taking up space.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): It’s lovely to feel adored, but not if it is happening for the wrong reasons. You’re in a particularly outgoing period, but this time might complicate your connections. Pay attention to how you interact with others, and be sure you aren’t seeking undeserved validation.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): There’s a fine line between putting yourself on display and showing off. This time can normally help you appear at your best, but your blemishes could become extremely apparent. A lot of eyes are on you, but don’t try to put on a grandiose show for them. The probability of making a misstep is very high.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Reality is for the birds today. This time is turning your attention away from mundane matters and opening your mind to all the possibilities available to you. In stark contrast, what looks possible could turn out to be anything but. Stick to what you know as much as possible.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You know what you bring to the table, but there are times when other people fail to pick up on it. Maybe you feel a little undervalued or like people aren’t acknowledging your contributions. Make a point of not becoming too sensitive to perceived situations.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Don’t make any assumptions about anyone. This sounds rather dramatic, but it’s only too possible to get the wrong idea about a loved one. There is a chance you might have a disagreement about common goals or passion projects. Create space for compromise.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): There is no need to overhaul your life. It could be tempting to change as much as possible in the name of self-improvement, but going overboard could happen in an instant. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, and don’t start throwing your money around. Stick to methods that are simple, but certain.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your heart is leading you all over the place today. You might be getting the wrong impression about something at this time, or a certain option may look much lovelier than it will turn out to be. Get a reality check before flying off on any flights of fancy.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make space for your loved ones. There is a decidedly homey aura around today, encouraging coziness with your nearest and dearest. You may be tempted to turn this into some big to-do. The more you try to roll out the red carpet, the more you might trip up in the process.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Find comfort in your usual patterns. This time is giving you plenty of reasons to get out and about. Don’t start turning over every stone. Instead, stick to projects and practices that you know are solid bets. Keep your expectations low every once in a while.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): It’s a good day to get rid of some things. It would normally be a great time to acquire things. But you’ll get more satisfaction from creating space for any future purchases. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, then it’s time to consider donating it. Or, some savvy online selling could net you a few bucks.