For some people at the New Year’s Day Polar Bear Plunge, the thrill of hitting “ice-cold” water was an invigorating way to start the day. For others, it was a resolution of sorts to bring positive change to their lives.

I’ve taken the plunge myself in previous years and saw it as a resolution to start a new year “fresh.”

A new year is typically viewed by some as a way to set goals, which studies have found most people forget — or don’t continue — after the first month. I’ve read that it typically takes ten weeks to make a routine activity a habit.

Many years ago, I undertook a resolution to “exercise daily.” That led to a membership at the old Cross Court Athletic Club, where I struggled to wake up by 5 a.m. so I could work out. I kept it up for the requisite 10 weeks and after that, workouts became normal practice.

Many people make weight loss resolutions. Some resolve to stop smoking. Others to cut back on their drinking — which has led to “Dry January,” although to be truly effective it should probably be dry January, February and March. Our family did manage one dry January about five years ago and it was a struggle.

I’ve found making resolutions works better if they’re in small bites, although I’ve read about a new trend called “WinterArc,” which is a goal-setting method created by fitness and wellness influencers. The idea is to use the cold, dark months of winter to look inward, figure out what you want your goals to be for the new year and then get things ready so you can pursue them by Jan. 1.

Psychologist Lynn Bufka suggested in a recent Associated Press story about being realistic, noting it’s tough to promise that you’ll lose weight (no matter how much). That would be a lot of sacrificing, which probably can’t be achieved. So, rather than cutting out dessert (or entire meals) each day, maybe, she says, only have dessert on the weekend; or walking a little more during the day. In other words, don’t deprive yourself to reach a goal that might otherwise be unachievable. It will only lead to disappointment.

In Woodland, I’ve found some small resolutions can lead to long-term results. Years ago, I resolved that once I retired, I was going to get involved in local government. That led to a role on the Woodland Planning Commission as well as a part-time position at the Yolo County Elections Office.

I also “resolved” to do more for the environment. Now, I’m a member of the Cache Creek Conservancy board of directors.

I’ve also found that small resolutions can be more achievable and satisfying. When I began 2024, I resolved to read one new book a month. I didn’t meet my goal, but I’m not upset. I read eight books, which involves one chapter a day.

The health professionals at UC Davis have in the past offered seven effective ways to achieve your New Year’s goals.

Briefly, they recommend planning your resolution, setting specific goals, don’t take on too much, select a new resolution rather than repeating one that failed in the past, identify people you can rely on for support, and give your resolution time to become a habit.

Those ideas sound like good resolutions for 2025.

-Jim Smith is the former editor of The Daily Democrat, retiring in 2021 after a 27-year career at the paper.