Each answer is a word that ends in “-graph.” (e.g., An instrument that is used for measuring the strength of earthquakes. Answer: Seismograph.)

Freshman level

1. A person’s own signature.

2. A section of a piece of writing that begins on a new line.

3. A picture of something that you make with a camera.

Graduate level

4. Sending messages over long distances, using wires that carry electrical signals.

5. A lie detector.

6. A written account of a single thing.

Ph.D. level

7. A combination of two letters representing one sound.

8. A short piece of writing put at the beginning of a book or on a building or statue.

9. A word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning.

Answers: 1. Autograph. 2. Paragraph. 3. Photograph. 4. Telegraph. 5. Polygraph. 6. Monograph. 7. Digraph. 8. Epigraph. 9. Homograph.

— North America Syndicate