Each answer is a single word that starts with “high.” (e.g., A corrupt politician. Answer: Highbinder.)

Freshman level

1. An especially significant or interesting detail or event.

2. A cocktail served in a tall glass.

3. The mountainous northern area of Scotland.

Graduate level

4. A person, usually mounted on horseback, who robbed travelers on public roads.

5. An extravagant or luxurious style of living.

6. An ambitiously competitive person with high aspirations.

Ph.D. level

7. A tall chest of drawers supported on four legs.

8. To go as fast as possible, especially in fleeing.

9. A person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture.

Answers: 1. Highlight. 2. Highball. 3. Highlands. 4. Highwayman. 5. Highlife. 6. Highflier. 7. Highboy. 8. Hightail. 9. Highbrow (highfalutin).

— North America Syndicate