

Name the TV show where the phrase was commonly heard. (e.g., “No deal.” Answer: “Deal or No Deal.”)

Freshman level

1 “I’ll take Literary Characters for $1,000.”

2. “Come on down!”

3. “I’d like to buy a vowel, Pat.”

Graduate level

4. “Survey says ...”

5. “The tribe has spoken.”

6. “Is that your final answer?”

Ph.D. level

7. “Will the real (person’s name/occupation) please stand up?”

8. “Big bucks.”

9. In France you heard, “Vous etes le maillon faible, au revoir!”

Answers: 1. “Jeopardy!” 2. “The Price Is Right.” 3. “Wheel of Fortune.” 4. “Family Feud.” 5. “Survivor.” 6. “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” 7. “To Tell the Truth.” 8. “Press Your Luck.” 9. “The Weakest Link.”

— North America Syndicate