UCSC Produce Pop-Up scheduled through March

Affordable organic produce from the UC Santa Cruz Farm and local farmers is available to students, staff, faculty and community members. The winter schedule is 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesdays at Quarry Plaza, located at 1156 High St., and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays outside the Science and Engineering Library, 580 Red Hill Road. The pop-up runs through March. Cash, EBT, card and check are accepted.

Follow @ucscprodoucepopup on Instagram for schedule and location updates.


Rare plant swap is back in January

Santa Cruz Rare Plants is holding the first rare plant swap of 2025 from 1-2 p.m. Jan. 18 in person at Anna Jean Cummings County Park, 461 Soquel San Jose Road. You are welcome to bring rare/uncommon plants, cuttings, corms, nodes or any plant accessories like pots, leca, soil additives, etc. Be sure to bring a bag or container to hold all your new plant/items. Please remember to keep it rare/uncommon plants only. Plant sales are allowed but Santa Cruz Rare Plants is not responsible for any sales or trades they don’t conduct personally.

Visit facebook.com/groups/santacruzrareplants and contact any of the admins if you have any questions.

Garden Center offers spring rose pruning class

San Lorenzo Garden Center hosts a spring rose pruning class from 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 25, held in the nursery at 235 River St. Join the Monterey Bay Rose Society at the nursery for a rose pruning demonstration by consulting rosarians. Learn to prepare your roses for a beautiful and healthy season. You will have the opportunity to discuss tried-and-true methods for pruning at planting time, soil prep and successful planting and selecting the best varieties for the Santa Cruz area.

Visit sanlorenzolumber.com/EventCalendar for information.

Garden Exchange and tomato workshop this month

Kick off 2025 with fresh gardening inspiration. Join the garden community for this month’s Santa Cruz Garden Exchange and workshop from 8 to 9 a.m. Jan. 25 in the parking lot of Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave. Please park in the northern rows of the parking lot away from the building.

Hosted by Steven Lienhard, Grange Garden Committee chairperson, the workshop will focus on how to successfully start, transfer and plant tomatoes. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this hands-on class will help you grow healthier, more productive tomato plants this year. As the cooler weather sets in, it’s an ideal moment to prepare your garden for a vibrant spring bloom.

Gardeners are welcome to bring seeds, bulbs, succulents, houseplants, veggies, fresh flowers, informational material or any garden-related items to trade within the garden community. You do not need to bring something in order to participate and you must take back anything not given out. Bring your questions, ideas and enthusiasm — and don’t forget to check out the Garden Exchange. Spread the word and tell your friends.

For questions, call 831-515-7162 or email santacruzgardenexchange@gmail.com.SANTA CRUZ

Volunteer work day slated in March

Spend the morning on March 1 from 9 a.m. to noon working in the UCSC Farm in the volunteer garden, 152 Farm Road, with fellow volunteers and Center for Agroecology staff. Tasks may include pruning, harvesting, mulching or weeding. Please come prepared with adequate shoes, water and sun protection. All the necessary tools provided. Heavy rain will cancel the event.

Visit calendar.ucsc.edu/event/volunteer-workday-in-the-garden for details.

The Garden Digest is compiled by Jesselyn Rego. To submit items for the calendar including events, meetings, resources or anything garden related, email sentinelhomeandgarden@gmail.com.