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New law.From now on any person who is suspected for anything will be given a 30-day notice by Kim Foxx’s office and the mayor’s office. They will have 30 days to respond to that letter. That way nobody will get hurt.

John, Bridgeport

Following in thefootsteps of the Washington Football Team, the owners of the Cleveland baseball franchise have decided to drop the name of their team in favor of something more socially acceptable in these enlightened times. Because they have not adopted a new name or a mascot to replace the very reviled Chief Wahoo, I am proposing that they take guidance from the most tolerant and inclusive address in America: Sesame Street: The Cleveland Grovers.

Ken, Oak Forest

If the White Sox are going to be a solid contender for the World Series they have to get a great closer. To get someone, they have to part with a good player and some money. They have the ability to score lots of runs so they will have to protect the lead late in the game.

Mr. G., Chicago

Bob of Oak Forest rails against Joe Biden and socialism. He does not understand the difference between progressive policies like Social Security and Medicare and authoritarianism socialism, the kind that Vladimir Putin rules Russia with. Putin and his socialism is being enabled by Trump and Trump has sold out to Putin, which is the worst kind of socialism.

Steve, Hazel Crest

Bob from Oak Forest claims that if Republicans lose the senate races in Georgia, we have to fear the boogeyman “socialism.” In the 1960s, Ronald Reagan made a commercial warning people about Medicare. He said, “Medicare will bring a socialist dictatorship.” That never happened of course, and Medicare turned out to be an extremely popular program. It’s time to compromise and stop the scare tactics and division. I’m tired of the far right and the far left. And, I’m tired of the socialism nonsense.

Susan, Orland Park

The CDC sayspeople aged 75 and older and front-line essential workers should be first in line to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet, our congressional leaders in Washington immediately lined up to get their shots. Other than in their own minds, are they really more essential than medical personnel and first responders? If medical personnel were unavailable, we’d notice immediately. Congress could disappear tomorrow and no one would notice for at least a few weeks.

Bob, Orland Park

I was appalled to see that Rep. Lauren Underwood was bragging about getting her vaccine. That was a vaccine that should have gone to a health care worker, police officer, firefighter, teacher or elderly person. Our politicians think they are more important then the people they are supposed to be serving. When the media explained the strategy for rolling out the vaccine, never did I hear that politicians were on the same time frame as health care workers.

Doug, Frankfort

Americans are dying of COVID-19 in record numbers. According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the Russians are behind the gravest cyberattack on record against the United States. And where is President Donald Trump while all of this is happening? Maybe it is time they install a baby monitor in the White House so we can find out.

Greg, Lockport