Aries: Your reputation for reliability might be your greatest asset. Look for ways to act consistently, be someone dependable, so others know they can count on you when it matters. You may be trusted to keep the peace when personalities clash.
Taurus: There may be room to be ecstatic while also remaining financially smart. Your zeal for romance, fun, and striving for the finer things shouldn’t make you overlook an investment.
Gemini: You may be in a transition from novice to expert. Your knowledge may be sought after because you can see the consequences of actions. Individuals might turn to you for guidance; don’t let pride prevent you from lending a hand.
Cancer: Don’t be shy about accepting an invitation to join a club or attend a group activity. You might be building firm and supportive friendships. You may also develop a business outlook that could add energy to your current ambitions.
Leo: Self-discipline and restraint could be the words of the day as you must be organized and focused to succeed. At the same time, you might shine as you show off your leadership skills and set a good example for others looking to adopt your habits.
Virgo: Others expect dependability and reliability and usually do not welcome unexpected changes or delays. If timing slips, make your explanation clear, complete, and honest to foster understanding and acceptance.
Libra: The satisfaction from hard work could be a reward in itself. You may take pride in a well-executed task and in paying meticulous attention to detail. However, embarking on new ventures might bring additional responsibilities to your plate.
Scorpio: You might stay in touch more easily by wearing headphones or keeping your cellphone nearby. You may like to look good, but what you wear might not be as important now as great communication and familiarity with current events.
Sagittarius: You might feel a tiny tug of war between your career aspirations and your routine obligations. Setbacks or the demand for more precision might give you ample time to perfect a plan.
Capricorn: Like attracts like. Today may offer a chance to gather with friends or connect with those who echo your thoughts. Consider updating your profiles with your latest interests and opinions to attract those with common interests.
Aquarius: To catch a mouse, you need to offer some cheese. Trust your intuition on what may appeal to others or yield the best outcomes. To reach a compromise, you could present incentives and validate the viewpoints of the other parties involved.
Pisces: Your dedicated attention to the rules and willingness to take on responsibilities may be something to take pride in. Surround yourself with other people who share your ethical standards, and you could build a dynamic support network.
If March 6 is your birthday: During the upcoming two to three weeks, you may have the urge to simply sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your skillset might kick in whenever money is involved.
Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency