A portion of County Road 22 will be closed starting Sunday, Feb. 2, due to the anticipated high-water levels in the Sacramento River from the forecasted rainstorm occurring Friday, Jan. 31, through Feb. 5.
The closure will extend from approximately one mile east of the County Road 102 and Main Street intersection to the Interstate-5 westbound ramp intersection with CR 22.
When water levels continue to rise in the Sacramento River, the Fremont Weir—located about seven miles northeast of Woodland—spills into the Yolo Bypass to reduce downstream flooding as the river approaches Sacramento.
According to a Yolo County press release, CR 22, which runs through the Yolo Bypass, becomes submerged until river levels drop below the Fremont Weir’s elevation and spilling stops.
The Bypass may remain flooded for several weeks, keeping the road closed indefinitely. Once the water recedes, Yolo County Road Maintenance will assess, clean, and repair any flood-related damage before reopening the roadway to traffic.
Detour signs will direct motorists to alternate routes; the likely alternative route is I-5, which has bridges over the Yolo Bypass for each travel direction.
Access to properties and businesses along the closed section of the road will be provided. For the County’s Road Closures map, visit www.YoloCounty.gov/road-closures.