DEAR JOAN >> There are no birds flitting around the neighborhood. Are they nesting in the shade trees, keeping cool and expending as little energy as possible? Enlighten me, please.

— Marilyn Fordham San Jose

DEAR MARILYN >> When neighborhoods see a sudden loss of birds, there may be a few things going on, but escaping the heat is the most likely explanation.

Many birds don’t do well in soaring temperatures. Their body heat already is high, thanks to their feathers and insulation, and they don’t have an efficient way of cooling themselves. Because birds don’t sweat, they have their own version of panting, opening their beaks and fluttering their throats, allowing the moisture in their mouths to evaporate and dissipate the heat. They also will compress their feathers tightly and hold their wings away from their bodies, and take an occasional dip in a birdbath.

Unless they have young ones requiring frequent feeding, birds try to take care of business early in the morning and late in the evening, when temperatures tend to be cooler. During the heat of the day, they retreat to the shade of trees.

DEAR JOAN >> I have a black and white cat. He has thick, soft fur, and it seems he is always scratching and even biting at himself. We brush him, but do not know if we should bathe him. He is an indoor cat.

— Alice, Campbell

DEAR ALICE >> Cats with thick coats can be uncomfortable in their own skin, especially if the hair becomes tangled or matted.

I’d suggest paying a visit to your vet. Your cat could be suffering from allergies, giving him an itchy skin beneath his coat. Medication can help with that, along with figuring out what he’s allergic to. Baths can also soothe the skin, but only if the cat permits it.

Some cats benefit from having what’s called a lion’s cut — shaving the body but leaving the fur on the head, feet and tip of the tail. I’ve known people who did this and said their cat experienced a personality change afterward. They go from grumpy to relaxed and more loving.

It’s not for every cat, but definitely worth discussing with your vet and groomer

DEAR JOAN >> My male cat is 2 years old. He is good and sweet most of the time but come about 3 a.m., he gets under our bed and scratches on the mattress. Not a fun way to get woken up. We had him fixed yesterday, and I’m trying the water bottle. Any ideas?

— Marsha Young, Jackson

DEAR MARSHA >> I assume using the water bottle means you’re spraying him with water. If so, you’re probably only teaching your sweet cat to be afraid of you. Punishing a cat for being a cat just doesn’t work.

Your cat likely is bored and wants some attention, which he gets every time you respond to his scratching. Try blocking his access under the bed with boxes, and diverting his attention to a large scratching post or tower. You can prime the pump, so to speak, by rubbing it with catnip. Playing with him before bedtime and making sure he has plenty of toys to keep him occupied also will help.

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