San Rafael, CA
Sister Christina Lee, a Dominican Sister of San Rafael for 78 years, died peacefully on March 9, 2025, surrounded by her community of Sisters. A gifted educator with a love of books, a flair for adventure, and an innate ability to find joy in simple pleasures, Sr. Christina’s zest for life was second only to the amount of gratitude that filled her heart.
Irene became Sister M. Christina when she received the habit on February 12, 1947. She then taught elementary school for thirty-five years and then became a librarian for another two decades. Sister Christina’s legacy will live on in the many hearts and minds enriched by her care. Please read more about Sister Christina’s life at
Sister Christina is predeceased by her parents Edgar and Ellen Lee. She is survived by her sister, Alice, nieces, and many friends; and by her Dominican Sisters.
A Mass of the Resurrection is planned for Monday, March 24, 2025, at 10:00 am in the Dominican Sisters Gathering Space (1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael). The Funeral Mass will be followed by a light lunch. Sister Christina will be buried in St. Dominic’s Cemetery in Benicia around 1:30 pm. All are welcome. Memorial gifts in honor of Sr. Christina Lee may be made to the Retirement Fund, Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, Advancement Office, 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 or online at Assisted by Monte's Chapel of the Hills, San Anselmo