By David Irwin and Scott Ferguson

The practice of hunting, including mountain lion hunting, should be guided by evidence-based approaches and wildlife management practices. Recent criticisms, such as those expressed by Deanna Meyers in a guest opinion for the Daily Camera, unfairly vilify hunters. It is important to recognize that maintaining a healthy predator population is essential to biodiversity and requires the expertise of state wildlife agencies. Hunting is an ethical and sustainable tool for supporting wildlife populations, including predator species. In fact, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has developed a new lion management plan with safeguards to prevent overharvesting and manage stable populations over time. The plan includes protections for adult female lions and sets an upper boundary for all human-caused lion mortality. If these thresholds are exceeded, hunter harvest will be reduced or canceled for that season.

Some argue that hunting for sport or trophy is unethical, but this overlooks the fact that hunting can be an important part of human tradition and connection to nature. As stated by CPW regarding why we have lion hunting: “Hunting exists as a continuation of the hunter-gatherer traditions and connection to nature for many people, as well as to help maintain healthy wild animal populations.” To say that former Denver Bronco Derek Wolfe was “bragging” about his hunt in the media implies that public conversation pertaining to any hunt is shameful. Hunters following the law and regulations should not be shamed for telling the story of their hunt. Additionally, consuming predator meat, such as lion or bear, is a legitimate food source that has been utilized throughout history. Hunters in Colorado are required by law to prepare the four quarters, backstrap and tenderloins for personal consumption, including those of predator species. Thus, hunting purely for a photo or trophy without harvesting key food sources is not only unethical, but it is also illegal. Wolfe, in at least one interview with Hayden Sammak from MeatEater explicitly states he’s looking forward to consuming the meat of the lion he harvested, and thus following ethical hunting and lawful practices.

Critics of lion hunting, such as Meyers, have used the “Problem animal human hunting hypothesis” to argue against hunting. However, not all research supports the claim that killing male lions leads to increased conflicts between lions and humans. CPW’s mountain lion hunting statistics show that no mountain lions have been killed in game management unit 29 associated with Nederland in the past 5 years. In fact, statewide tooth age data show that most animals harvested are juveniles, suggesting that the “Problem animal human hunting hypothesis” does not apply in Colorado.

Overall, CPW is doing an excellent job managing wildlife using an evidence-based approach. This allows Coloradans to continue their heritage of wildlife education (essential for a successful hunter) and hunting. It is important to recognize the role hunting can play in maintaining sustainable wildlife populations, including predator species.

David Irwin is a professor at the University of Colorado Denver — Anschutz. Scott Ferguson is an assistant professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.