Aries: The New Year has arrived so make it memorable by spending time with loved ones and friends. Rather than letting distractions delay your progress, commit yourself to fully following your dreams and goals this year.
Taurus: Resolve that in the year ahead, you might finally weave the fabric of your life in some new, improved, and different ways. Identify any gaps in your education, resources, or skills that need attention, and work on upgrading them.
Gemini: New Year’s resolutions might feel like an endless revolving door, sometimes bringing you back to where you first started. The answers to your prayers might not come when you expect them, but they should arrive when you need them.
Cancer: The New Year might energize your goal-setting side. Create a list and prioritize both your long-term and short-term goals. The cold shoulder you’ve imagined you felt from someone could soon warm up.
Leo: Resolve to rein in your lower-vibration instincts and to be more forgiving. Your competitive nature might tempt you to take too many risks. Sometimes, exercising caution could be more beneficial than rushing head on into the fire without a plan.
Virgo: The most important things in life aren’t things. Your partner or companion may be looking for tangible support rather than sympathy. Focus on the significant aspects of your life, rather than getting caught up in non-essentials parts.
Libra: Just be your most authentic self. You could win someone over much more easily by being genuine rather than by putting up a false front. Hiding behind an illusion gets old and won’t last for long because others may see through it.
Scorpio: The unknown will captivate you. Whether it’s getting to know the intricacies of a new acquaintance or exploring uncharted locations. Your New Year’s resolution could involve finding ways to make acceptable compromises.
Sagittarius: Aim for nothing less than the best. As you set your New Year’s resolutions, think about ways to include friends and loved ones. Start by fostering harmony in your environment and sharing both your money and values.
Capricorn: Wipe the slate clean. Start the New Year by making amends, putting past animosities behind you, and moving forward. Resolve to change the things that may have hindered your progress.
Aquarius: Burn off holiday calories by taking a walk, lifting weights, or dancing. Consider sharing your New Year’s resolutions with someone. You could have the most fun with those who can match your quick pace and energy today.
Pisces: As you consider your New Year’s resolutions, remember to be kind to yourself. There’s always room for improvement, but you don’t need to be overly critical. This year, prioritize your long-term goals and create an action plan.
If Jan. 1 is your birthday: You might feel at your best during the next three to four weeks. Consider focusing your attention on tactics to advance professionally or moneymaking activities.
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