What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

Trump has told advisers that he does not want his administration to do or say anything regarding the Coronavirus outbreak that would further spook the markets. He remains worried that any large-scale outbreak could hurt his reelection bid. Hell with the safety of the people, it must always revolve around him.

“Warmer weather weakens the virus,” Donald Trump, M.D. Delirious racketeer evidently doesn’t understand how viruses spread or work. But then again, he doesn’t know how much of anything works.

Good news — the health policy and research for communicable diseases is now being handled at Trump University.

This Supreme Court is more concernedwith the rights of the unborn than the rights of an unarmed Mexican boy who was shot to death by U.S. border agents. Who knows, he might have been one of those “rapists” that haunt Trump’s dreams.

In 1788 James Madison said about the pardon power: “If the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds to believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him if found guilty.”

Jerry Davich hit the nail on the head with his column on Rod Blagojevich. “Rod Blagojevich is the most dangerous kind of chronic liar. He habitually lies to himself, and he believes his lies. We’ve seen where such delusion leads.” President Trump falls into this same category. You can never reason with these people

Here’s an example of Bernie Carter’s reasoning that shows why he is unsuited for public office. He says the doubling of Lake County marijuana arrests in 2019 is due to legalization in Illinois and Michigan. That’s just plain nuts. Michigan didn’t legalize it until Dec. 1, 2019, and Illinois on Jan. 1, 2020. So for 11 months in 2019 it wasn’t legal in either state. He needs to go.

Yes, Bernie Sanders should be required to produce his medical records, especially after having a recent heart attack. If those records didn’t show anything serious on them, he would have produced them already. Also, why hasn’t Trump ever produced any of his medical records?

Bernie Sanders isn’t a “progressive”, he isn’t a “socialist”, he’s a full blown communist who honeymooned in Russia and has praised Fidel Castro. You liberal Quickly Keyboard commandos certainly are dense.

How are Republicans not more horrified by Trump’s actions?

In Trump’s administration we have traitors writing foreign policy, racists writing immigration policy, thieves writing economic policy, polluters writing environmental policy, a conspiracy loon in charge of intel, a hired goon heading the Department of Justice, and a clown ruling them all.

Remember when Hillary had the flu? Whew — we dodged a bullet with that health scare. Good thing she didn’t have a heart issue or a mental deterioration.

After Trump has repeatedly insulted and demeaned judges up and down the line, criticized their sentencing, called them incompetent, and larded the courts with judges who actually are incompetent, he has the nerve to complain that Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s comments about cases his administration has brought to the court are “inappropriate.” It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Trump is so incredibly stupid it makes your teeth hurt.

When the vast majority of educated and historically savvy thinkers from across the political spectrum come together, they will realize that Trump and his evil minions are a threat to our democracy, because they are.

Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.